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The Love Doctor Page 9
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Page 9
"Yeah, I caught on to that too, so I couldn't help flaunting it a little bit."
Sofia's head whipped upright, her eyes wide and bright. "You didn't! You're so bad, Rey."
"I'm bad, but in all the good ways." She hurled out a dubious laugh. "I didn't break any rules, but we'll have to have the talk with him."
Sofia nodded and dropped her head back again, offering no further conversation. The silence swiftly ate away at Reyna. Sofia had called Runa earlier, but so far, had divulged no details. Though Reyna had an idea of the content, part of her needed to hear it confirmed, if only to keep her rapidly growing crush at bay.
One thing interrupted the sound of nothingness that had claimed their office space. Okay, two things: Reyna's breath—quick and shallow—and the thump of her heartbeat, whose pace grew faster as her lips parted to ask, "Speaking of talks…did you speak with Runa?"
A muted "mhm" was Sofia's response. Her eyes drifted shut. Her lips pursed and her face shifted into an expression Reyna couldn't decipher.
Confusion? Indecision? Pain? She's been acting so strange lately.
When Sofia offered no further information, she pressed, "And…?"
"I told her to keep working on growing the relationship and not push anything, but I um," Sofia lifted her head and slowly opened her eyes, meeting Reyna's, "outlined some appropriate touches and gestures that would steer toward wanting more than friendship."
Reyna nodded, ignoring the studious stare from Sofia. Though she resisted any outward show of emotion, the ominous dark cloud that settled over her heart echoed the weird shadow that had fallen over Sofia's usually bright green eyes. "So, in other words, you told her not to pounce on Allie. Sounds like a plan."
"Easier said than done when you've been waiting most of your life."
"True." The thin sliver of hope Reyna had been clinging to continued to whittle down. How could she stand a chance against someone's dream girl? "You ready to call it a week? I'm exhausted, sick of paperwork, and desperately in need of a martini."
"Definitely." Sofia's attempt at a smile seemed exhausting. "Give me a minute and we'll head out."
Sofia shrugged. Neither made any attempt to move. Their shared lack of enthusiasm was a first. When had things changed? Reyna thought back to the last couple of weeks. The minute Runa had walked through their door. But why? She certainly knew why she was so far off center. Now she needed to find out why Sofia had been so affected.
Sofia paused before answering, "How about something different? You up for dancing?"
"Always." Her legs might protest the activity, but she could use the distraction. Besides, it might help work out the ache in her muscles. Too bad it wouldn't ease the ache in the one muscle that mattered most—her heart.
Sitting on the edge of her bed, Allie sifted through her possible clothing options for the concert. She had three hours to decide, but who was she kidding? It would be black jeans, boots, and a tank top. The real decision would be which tank? The original Poison one she had gotten from a concert years back? The retro Def Leppard one she had bought at the store? Plain black? Faded red?
She fell back onto her bed, arms spread wide, and released an exasperated sigh. It wasn't really about the shirts. It was about the woman at the bar…and Runa. How should she handle this thing with Runa? Runa hadn't actually pressed for anything more than friendship, although there had been an undercurrent of innuendo between them. Allie definitely didn't want to hurt her, but what if she really just needed to open herself up to the idea and see what happened?
No, that may have been an option before, but now? Allie couldn't see anything besides meeting the woman from O'Malley's. Kat had managed to bribe the bartender for a name—Sofia. She groaned and rubbed at her eyes before flopping her arms back down. Kat had tried like hell, but he'd swore he knew nothing more. Though Sofia frequented the establishment regularly, they'd supposedly only ever talked sports and random subjects, never anything personal. If he did know anything else, his lips were sealed. Still, it was more than she'd had a few days ago.
"Sofia." The name rolled off her tongue smooth and easy, leaving behind an addictive, mouthwatering flavor like the finest chocolate mousse she'd ever tasted. What was it about this one woman that had her so captivated? No one else in all her twenty-nine years had accomplished such a feat. So much so, that she had kinda, sorta, maybe staked out the bar all week. Unfortunately, no Sofia. Maybe she'd been avoiding the place. Avoiding Allie.
But why? Allie was sure Sofia had experienced everything she had. It was in her eyes and the way her chest rose, but never fell, indicating she, too, had been left breathless by the encounter. Maybe she was scared. Maybe she had just been busy all week. Maybe she was already taken.
Allie's entire body withered at the idea. The mere thought left her feeling as if her very life essence had been drained. I can't think that way. I'll see her again. A moment like that has to be destiny or something, right? Right. Now get up and get ready for the concert.
Allie looked good in her black Poison tank, but then, when didn't she look good? Allie O'Leary, the woman of Runa's dreams since puberty, was dancing and singing at a rock concert—with her. Sofia's words kept playing on repeat. The message urging her to take it slow bounced around between the beats and lyrics of "Cherry Pie." Ironic, since Allie had always been the picture in her head whenever she'd heard the song. So far though, self-discipline had won out and she had followed the plan, but dammit if Allie wasn't making it impossibly hard to wait.
Allie, with her blinding smile and curves to die for, whose perfect breasts bounced as she jumped up and down to the music less than an arm's length away. Dammit if she didn't want to kiss the woman stupid right now. Those lips...she'd been waiting forever to feel those full, luscious lips. There was no telling how many different ways she'd imagined they'd taste, feel, move against her own, and now she was dying to find out if the real thing lived up to her many fantasies.
Patience. Build the relationship.
She smiled back and danced along, forcing her outward appearance to hide the tornado of emotions swirling in her head and her body. The mixed signals she'd gotten from Allie were in no way the vibrant sparks she'd always anticipated—not fireworks and choir singing and all that jazz. In fact, there had been more of a spark with Reyna than Allie, which was…confusing. But a kiss? A kiss would say it all. A kiss was what fairy tales were made of.
Yeah, sure, patience. Great in theory. And beer damn sure wasn't helping the situation one bit. Maybe patience is overrated? Maybe it's time to go all in?
Runa chugged the last half of her beer as the song came to an end. The waiting was the hardest part. Agonizing really. It had been years. She was exhausted physically and mentally. Trying to read Allie was hard enough, but she also had Reyna weighing on her mind, and to be honest, on her heart. She needed to know. Tonight, she decided, she would give their connection the ultimate test. Would the underlying electricity between her and Allie light the skies? Or short out like a bad fuse?
For the first time in her life, however, fizzling out didn't seem like the end of the world, even if the idea of it crushed her to the core. What did that mean?
An hour and a half later, they stood in awkward silence at Runa's car. They had sung and danced their asses off and enjoyed an easy banter back and forth. A perfect evening, whether it counted as a date or not. The crowd had thinned since they'd taken their time and now they had the pleasure of silence, a full moon, and dim parking lights.
Not everyone's fairy tale started off the same way. The important thing was for it to start. Here goes nothing.
Allie turned and leaned back against the passenger door of the Mustang. "Thanks for the invite. I had a great time tonight, Runa."
Runa smiled a tentative smile and shoved her hands into her back pockets. "Yeah, me too." She glance
d down and then back up at Allie through her lashes. Her eyes settled on the view of her lips. "I'm glad you came with me. I've really enjoyed getting to know you better."
Allie shifted her weight and cleared her throat. "Me too. Umm...about that..." Her brown eyes burned with uncertainty and she steered them toward the ground. Restless hands searched for a comfortable place to rest.
Runa's stomach crashed to the ground like a hundred-pound dumbbell from a ten-story building. Her gut screamed now or never. Whatever words were about to come out of Allie's mouth would change everything and she had a feeling they wouldn't be in her favor. Not unless the kiss would be everything she had ever imagined.
Before Allie could speak another word, Runa lunged forward. Her hands clasped the sides of Allie's face and pulled her in for a desperate kiss. Despite the aggressive move, it wasn't bruising and she immediately softened as her lips moved across a paralyzed Allie's. She was every bit as supple as imagined, not to mention sweet, even if the flavor didn't explode in Runa's mouth as it had in her dreams. Ignoring the lack of response, Runa attempted to deepen the kiss, struggling to convey all the words she could never speak and begging for just one chance to be heard.
Pressed hard against the door frame, Allie's body stood as rigid as the metal against her back. Her mind raced to catch up with the moment—Runa's mouth pressed to hers with soft lips tasting of the lingering fruitiness of the Skittles she'd eaten on the way out. The woman was strong, yet soft. Bold, yet fragile. Oh, so passionate about her and yet, not the woman she wanted. There were no sparks. The world didn't stop spinning. Even as she finally relaxed and allowed herself to indulge for just a second, there was nothing. No breathlessness. No BAM. Runa would undoubtedly be hurt, but she couldn't allow the kiss to go on any longer.
Allie placed her hands to Runa's chest and eased her away. The flicker of hope through the dark despair of knowing the answer before hearing the words shone in those blue eyes. This is going to be harder than I thought. "Runa," she said. It was barely a whisper.
Ignoring her plea, Runa leaned in again, refusing to accept no for an answer.
Allie turned her head, avoiding the kiss as she evaded the second advance. "Runa." Her voice was stronger this time. Shaking her head, she continued, "I-"
"Don't." Runa's voice crackled through her pain. A shaky breath fell out as her arms fell heavy at her sides, defeated.
She looked so fragile in that moment that Allie nearly reconsidered, but pity would only make things worse. Allie prayed she'd handle the difficult moment appropriately.
"Just don't say it, okay? I know." Runa's shoulders slumped and she turned away. She leaned against the car beside Allie, her arms crossing her chest tightly as if to protect her heart from further damage. Tears began a slow trek down her cheeks as her head dropped.
Pity was one thing, but comforting a friend was another. Overcome with the need to console her, Allie reached out, but Runa shrugged her off. Tears turned to running rivers and Allie could only watch. "I'm so sorry, Runa."
"Don't be sorry," she heaved between sobs. "You're being honest. It sucks like a son of a bitch, but what can I do?" With a self-deprecating laugh, she wiped her eyes and sucked in a breath. "I never had a chance, did I? I've been such a fool."
Now was not the time to tell her she had actually had a chance, however fleeting. It was a moot point. "You're not a fool. You're allowed to have feelings, but sometimes..." Sometimes what? Sometimes life sucked? Sometimes our dreams shattered? That was encouraging. She needed something softer. "Sometimes things just aren't meant to be."
Runa pulled in another breath, her eyes avoiding Allie at all costs. "But I truly believed we were. So many years of waiting for that one chance and…"
"I know." But Allie didn't know. She hadn't had her eye on someone for years only to lose it all in a single moment. What else could she say? When in doubt, she usually took a hint from her quirky little sister. "I think Kat would tell us we lacked that 'BAM' moment."
Runa looked up, her tear-stained face full of skepticism. "Seriously? She's got something for everything."
"Yeah," Allie sputtered through a laugh. "It's one of the things she believes in, big time, even though she currently swears off relationships. I'm surprised she's never mentioned it."
"Me too. Guess it's never come up."
Silence fell between the pair as they both stared at the line of traffic headed out of the venue.
"I really did enjoy spending time with you. I know this is all a mess, but do you…" Allie pulled in a deep breath for courage. "Do you think one day we will move past this? Maybe be friends?"
"I need some time, Allie."
"I understand." Allie fell quiet once again. The sorrow-filled, truthful words were stunning. Despite the heaviness of the moment and the earlier warnings from her sister, only now did she fully realize the depth of the woman's feelings.
"But," Runa added, "I did have fun with you too."
Matching smiles made the difficult climb upward. In time, they would be fine. She just needed to respect Runa's space.
"Kat's bar hopping beachside," Runa said, finally recouping her tall stature as she pushed off her car. Her tears had run dry, leaving her blue eyes red and puffy. "You want to join her or do you want to go home?"
Allie wasn't so sure continuing their evening was the best bet, but she would play it however Runa preferred. "Whatever you're comfortable with."
"Beachside sounds perfect. I could use a strong drink." Runa sighed and rolled her shoulders. "You know Kat's going to have to know about this, right?"
"Yeah, but don't worry. We can leave out the details."
"You mean the one where I practically threw you against the car and desperately tried to make out with you?" A half-hearted smile followed her words.
"Yeah, that's the one," Allie answered with a smile of her own, happy to have the mood lighten, if only a touch. "But it wasn't like that, Runa. Don't for a minute think I have any hard feelings about tonight."
"Good to know." Runa shook out her shoulders as if dropping the topic once and for all. "I think I've hit my quota for heart to hearts. Let's go find that crazy sister of yours." She wiped her tears one last time and got into the car.
Sofia parked her car and headed toward the boardwalk. The clear, quiet night was perfect for a walk on the beach. Silence was a godsend for her overactive mind on many occasions, but tonight, she just wanted to relax. Her phone chirped for an incoming message. A frustrated groan rolled from her throat. She pulled her cell from her pocket and set it to silent before checking the text from Rey.
Runa messaged me. She thanked us for our hard work, but said it's over. She and Allie would never work out.
Sofia's heart skipped despite her shock. What did this mean? What if she ran into Allie again? More importantly, what had gone wrong? What happened?
After the concert she went in for a kiss. Allie wasn't game. Said they weren't meant to be. She's off drinking away her sorrows.
I'm sorry to hear that. And she was, even if it also relieved and excited her. She was in a tough spot. She's a sweetheart, but also a strong woman. She'll be okay. Let her know we are still here for her.
Barely two seconds later, Reyna lit Sofia's phone up again.
Already did. You at the beach?
How did you know?
Lucky guess. Kylar loved those clear nights on the ocean.
Sofia swallowed hard. Yes, she did.
You have a good night, Doc.
A condescending laugh fell free. You only call me Doc when we're successful.
I believe we were. We helped release her from that prison she'd been living in. Now her heart will be free to find love.
Sofia pondered the words. There could be success in failure. A momentary pause, then her reply: I never thought of it that way. Have a good one. She slipped the phone into her back pocket an
d stepped onto the sand. Maybe it was time she set her own heart free, but that was easier said than done.
Runa snuck a glance past a preoccupied Kat to check on Allie. Staring at the back wall, appearing oblivious to whatever Kat had been rambling on about, Allie stood eerily silent. She should have taken her home. They may have been successful at appearing unaffected when they'd made their entrance, but once they'd greeted Kat with over-enthusiastic grins on show, they had quickly fallen into awkward silences, each taking their place on opposite sides. Even the bubbly energy pulsing through the O'Malley's crowd failed to elevate the heaviness of the mood between them. She'd never been more uncomfortable.
"One shot," Kat queried, frowning when Allie shook her head.
"No thanks. I think I'm going to take a walk on the beach. It's a beautiful night."
"Aww. Come on now, Al. Don't leave me hanging here," Kat protested. She looked at Runa, her expression pleading for backup, but received only a shrug in response.
"Sorry, but you've got Runa. You two have fun. I'm tapping out."
Runa tipped her head to catch Allie's eyes. "I can drive you home." The ride would be awkward, but she was nothing if not a responsible friend.
"That's okay. I'll get a cab later. I had a great night. Thank you. I'm sure I'll see you again soon."
"Okay. Be careful getting home."
"I will."
Allie walked away, the distance growing until she was out of sight. The significance was not lost on Runa. The door to that part of her life had closed. Permanently. When she turned back to the bar, she was met with her best friend's inquisitive stare. "What?"
"So...how'd it go?"
"Fine. We had fun."
"Just fine? I'm sensing some gloom. There was a mood between you two. What happened?" The bartender made a stop and Kat ordered up two shots of tequila.