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The Love Doctor Page 8
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Page 8
"Allie." The name escaped the prison of her lips on its own accord. As if she had whispered it directly into the woman's ear, dark eyes made contact with her own, staring right into her soul. Sofia's nails dug into the bar top. Her spine stiffened and her stomach fluttered. No, not fluttered. Tumbled like a washer with an uneven load would be more accurate. But even in her stunned state, a soft involuntary grin crept up until it stretched to the far reaches of her face.
Whatever Allie had been doing, whomever she had been searching out, nothing else mattered now. Her focus lay solely on Sofia. Even across the crowded room, Allie's eyes sparkled like stars on the surface of a glassy lake. Her lips rolled up in return, revealing a warm, beaming smile that made Sofia's heart stutter until she grew dizzy, forcing her to brace herself against the bar to keep from falling. Her heart, however, was another thing all together.
The moment was magic, pure and simple. Until it was lost.
"Al!" A voice yelled above the loud hum of the crowded room, breaking the connection as Allie's head whipped around.
Sofia's world resumed its spin once again. The abruptness of it all left her disoriented, but she did catch sight of Runa striding on a beeline from the restroom to Allie. Her smile was a mile wide and she carried herself with an ease that hadn't been present before—one that spoke of the relief and utter joy of finally being seen by the woman she'd loved for so long.
There was a moment of pride. I did that. I made that happen. She smiled briefly at the gentle touch Runa placed upon Allie's arm. Such adoration. Allie turned her attention to her friend, offering a kind smile in return. She seemed happy.
Just like that, Sofia knew whatever mystifying hold Allie had on her could never amount to anything. She would never interfere, never put herself above a client. Sofia admired her handiwork for another brief second before her heart reminded her how much it hurt to see the pair together. She rushed out the door and then stopped to reel in her emotions. She dared a peek back through the window, expecting to see them carrying on famously. Instead, she found a flustered Allie scanning the room while being dragged along by Runa and another woman she assumed to be Kat.
Had Allie felt it too? But she was a complete stranger. They'd never even spoken. Was it really possible?
Both she and Kylar had admitted to an instant connection when they'd met, but they had been introduced at a party, not just staring across a room. They had actually held a conversation and enjoyed the evening, which solidified the feeling. From then on, everything had been a fairy tale, happily ever after, until their story had ended much too soon.
Their friends had gone on and on about wanting to find a love like theirs, how love that struck like lightning was one of a kind and a blessing bestowed to just a lucky few. As time went on, Sofia had truly come to believe the notion. She was lucky. Lucky and completely loved and she loved Kylar completely in return. She knew there would never be another like her wife. That quirky smile. Those dancing hazel eyes that made all her worries disappear. The way she truly came alive in her presence. She didn't expect, nor want, to ever love again. Not like she loved Kylar. And she was okay with that.
But then, along came this woman named Allie, stopping her heart and stealing her breath with unexpected ferocity. Sofia could play off her earlier reactions all she wanted, but she knew exactly what had just happened. Lightning had struck for the second time in her life. She didn't know what she had done to deserve it, but this "blessing" had all the makings of a horrible curse.
"Allie, what the hell is going on with you? You've been weird since the bar. Did something happen with Runa?" Kat slammed the door of the restored nineteen seventy-one purple Plymouth Barracuda and eyed her.
"Shh. It's three in the morning. And no, nothing with Runa." With a casual wave of her hand, Allie dismissed Kat's worries. "We had a great time at the game. We're going to a concert Saturday."
"Alrighty then, what am I missing here? Sounds like you two are doing okay with whatever it is you're doing."
"We are. I guess. I don't know what we're doing yet."
"Is that why you're all biggity? But that wouldn't make sense. You were cool as a cucumber when we spoke on the phone."
Always the sleuth, Kat possessed a keen eye and a sense for bullshit, much to Allie's displeasure. There'd be no getting around the truth. She took a deep breath and then blurted, "There was this woman at the bar-"
"What? When? We were with you all night."
"When Runa went to the bathroom and you hadn't arrived yet, I-"
"Wait, you found another woman when Runa went to the bathroom during your date?"
The rage boiling in Kat's eyes sent Allie back a step. "What? No. I-"
"Seriously? That's cold, Allie. I warned you-"
"But I didn't."
"I knew you weren't serious about settling down." Kat paced with furious, pounding steps.
Allie was thankful for the reprieve of her vicious glare, but the accusation stung deep. "Kat, listen."
"I can't believe you."
"Please?" The pacing stopped. Piercing eyes and a pointing finger stabbed Allie like a knife. When Kat opened her mouth to continue, Allie threw her hands up, interrupting what was sure to be a massive ass chewing. What the hell kind of person does Kat think I am? "Kat, no! Listen to what I'm saying. Nothing like that…geez. I would never. I swear, Kat. It hurts you'd even think that of me."
"Fine," Kat spat, her nostrils flaring. "Tell me all about this mystery woman you didn't meet while my best friend, who you took to a hockey game, was in the bathroom."
Dark, disapproving eyes continued to bore through her head like titanium drills. "First off, we weren't on a date."
Kat gave her an oh-puh-lease look, but Allie put her hands up again, asking to finish. Kat swirled her finger in the air, granting permission.
"Anyway…" The memory still gave Allie the best kind of goosebumps. She smiled and explained, "I uh…we um…I just saw her across the room. That was all."
"Pfft. That's all?" The fire Kat had been spitting her way flamed out. "What's the big deal? You see women everywhere. Why so weird?"
"I don't know. I can't put the right words to it really, but her eyes met mine and I swear the world stopped. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced in my life. Stupid right?" Allie looked away, suddenly feeling foolish. Still, the gooey, happy feeling persisted.
Kat crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "Then what?"
"Then, nothing. I heard my name and when I turned away from her, all of a sudden, the room was at full speed again. I don't know how long we stared at one another. Hell, I couldn't even move or breathe, much less tell time. But when I looked back, she was gone."
"It was weird, yet electrifying, and I can't get her out of my head. Like when you stare at the sun for too long and every time you blink it's there for just a second. Not long enough to focus on it, but just enough for you to know you really saw it, you know?"
"That's like crazy, serious sparks, Al. That's your 'BAM' moment." Kat smiled as Allie rolled her eyes. "Who is she? Did you recognize her?"
"I have no idea. I've never seen her before. Maybe never will again and to tell you the truth, the idea kind of makes my chest hurt."
"Wow. All right, so we gotta find out who this woman is for you. You know I love a good mystery...wait, where does that leave Runa?"
"I don't know. I mean, I enjoy being with her. She makes me feel...something…but, oh my God, Kat. I can't love someone I've never even met, but this woman...just one look stopped me cold and made me hot all over. If that's what all those romance movies we've been watching were about, then I totally get it now."
"Whoa, slow your roll there, Al. First things first. You have to make sure you're clear with Runa. I won't have you stringing my best friend along while you go searching for Little-Miss-Stopped-My-World-From-Across-The-Room. In the meantime, why don't you tell me about her and I will see what I can find out."<
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Allie nodded. She didn't want to hurt Runa, but it was clear that whatever they'd been building wasn't what she'd thought just hours ago. "I promise to be straight up with Runa. She's a good person. I really have fun with her and I'd like to keep her as a friend."
"Good. So, tell me more about this woman."
Lucky to score a parking spot so close to the beach, Runa eased her new performance blue Mustang Shelby GT350 between the lines. She had finally splurged and bought herself the sports car she'd always dreamed about as a kid. Perhaps Allie's love of American muscle cars had had some influence over her choice, but while Allie preferred Chrysler models, she was a Ford girl through and through. The Mustang had always been her dream car and now she could check that goal off her list. Hopefully, it wouldn't be the only dream realized this year.
She gave her new car a love-struck once over before she walked to the back and opened the trunk. A medium-sized duffle bag, a mat, and a Stealth Trainer were unpacked and hoisted with ease. Confident strides carried her on a beeline for Reyna. Though Runa prided herself on professionalism, especially being surrounded by hot bodies every day, she couldn't resist drinking in the sight of the petite woman in form-fitting black training capris. A lime green sports bra that flaunted sculpted arms and flat abs served as the mouthwatering icing on the cake.
A burst of want soared through her, catching her by surprise, but she shoved it back down. Just like the day at the beach when she had snuck quick glances to admire Reyna's form, chasing away thoughts of what might lie underneath the barely-there bikini. Keeping her eyes off the body beside her had required the strictest of self-discipline. And I'd thought keeping away from carbs was hard. She scoffed at herself.
Runa was attracted to women. Reyna was by any measure a beautiful woman. What other response could she expect to have?
The small, incidental touches that had occurred during their previous meetups still warmed her skin at the memory. Her steps faltered. Reyna's blatant appraisal of her body as she approached in baby blue spandex shorts and matching skin-tight tank did nothing to thwart the rising heat or twisting nerves. But personal training was her turf, her passion, the place where she ruled fiercely. Her confidence returned. While she'd been surprised by Reyna's interest in training sessions, she couldn't deny her curiosity. Let's see what that body can handle. "Are you ready?"
"Are you kidding? I've been waiting all week for you to get your hands on me." Every bit of Runa's blood rushed to her face and Reyna quickly backtracked, "I meant, you know…figuratively…like, to work me hard. Umm...exercise." She stooped down for her bag, muttering, "Sorry."
Runa let out a genuine laugh at the flustered look on the usually poised woman. It was the first time she had ever seen Reyna flounder and it was endearing, making her more real than the prim and proper version she'd encountered thus far. "It's fine," she said and placed a hand on Reyna's arm. The touch was surprisingly comfortable and natural, rattling her thought process yet again for the briefest of seconds before she remembered the purpose of their meet up.
"Okay, so we'll start with an easy jog in the sand. Then, we'll progress to some intervals and plyo. The finale, will include a fun three minutes on my friend, the Stealth Trainer," she held up the padded triangular platform on a round swivel base, "for some core and upper body work. Are you ready to get your ass kicked?"
"Let's get it on." Reyna's dark complexion couldn't hide her blush and she shook her head. "Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me today."
Runa laughed loudly, enjoying the light-hearted exchange. Rather than embarrass her more with a flirtatious retort, she aimed to set her at ease. "Relax. I think it's cute." She set her equipment down gently in a pile.
"Damn. I'd rather be sexy," Reyna returned with pouty lips, her confidence taking the reins once again.
Sexy and adorable. Runa's belly gave a flutter. "That's never a problem for you," Runa returned with a smile before she realized what she'd said. Heat crawled up her neck at the slip, but the shine in Reyna's light brown eyes said the comment had been welcomed. Another wave of heat scaled its way upward. Careful, Ru. She cleared her throat. "Let's get started."
"Good." Reyna nodded with more vigor than necessary. "Yes. Let's, uh…run." She hopped up and down in place three times, then bent over to touch her toes. "I'm ready," she said as she stood back up.
As they took off in a slow, silent jog, Runa chanced a quick glance down at the woman beside her. It was unbelievably easy to be with Reyna. The time they'd spent together had been as exhilarating as unsettling and the effects seemed to grow more and more with each exposure. But why? If the only woman she'd ever wanted was Allie, how could Reyna affect her so much? The question had yet to be answered, but fortunately, she had a beautiful, confusing distraction for the next hour.
Sweat-soaked and sand-caked, Reyna collapsed and groaned, "Uncle."
"That's all you got?" Runa asked, humor blasting through every syllable as she trotted up, barely out of breath. "Weak."
Reyna rolled over with a breathless huff. "Yeah well, you get paid to work out."
"No, people pay me to work them out. Hardcore."
"Was this hardcore?"
"Actually..." Runa reached down and helped her to her feet. "You did really well. That was middle of the road. I'm impressed."
"Good. That's what I was aiming for," Reyna replied with a laugh, then leaned her hands on her knees in exhaustion. "Holy shit," she muttered as she continued to huff and puff, frowning at the burn of muscles she never knew existed.
"Keep moving, it's not good to let the blood pool. Come on." Runa took her by the elbow and urged her forward.
A tingle fluttered up Reyna's arm. She wanted to bask in the feel of those warm fingers on her skin, to enjoy the moment, but she was too tired. "I don't think I can walk. My legs are jelly. So are my abs."
"You got this. You're beautiful and badass." Runa's blue eyes popped wide open as the words left her mouth and she quickly pulled her hand away.
Reyna came to a stop. Renewed strength in the form of a complement made her forget the pain of her workout. A smile replaced her look of agony. The admission had her belly quivering nearly as much as the skin to skin contact, even if it had only been an elbow. She couldn't resist pushing the envelope, she wanted more. "You think I'm beautiful?"
"Umm, come on…uh…" Runa stammered. "You know you are, Reyna."
"Regardless, it's nice to hear it spoken sincerely. Thank you." The tingle rippling across her skin refused to quiet.
Runa gave an awkward smile. "You're welcome." She bent down and began collecting her gear. "Same time next week?"
"Absolutely, if my body recovers by then." Reyna stretched, releasing yet another groan. Though, if it meant more alone time with Runa, she'd drag her ass to the beach if she had to. Hell, a crazed mob of Black Friday shoppers fighting over a hundred-dollar big screen couldn't keep her away.
"I have faith. Just do the rest of the workouts I gave you and you'll see how much easier next week will be."
"Yeah. Easy. Sure." She laughed. "Thanks again, although I may hate you tomorrow."
"They always do, but they love me in the end." Runa smiled, though apprehension dimmed its usual brilliance. With an oddly curt wave, she walked away.
"There's a lot to love," Reyna mumbled to herself as she watched her go. Hell, it was a better view than the ocean and she would take what she could get. Despite the awkward ending, their time together had been amazing. How great would it have been to leave with her? Go grab a bite? Maybe head home and curl up for a movie? To shower off the beach sand together?
Desire had her trembling at the thought, but then another one bullied its way to the front. But she's not mine.
The cloud of reality chased away her sun. Allie was a lucky girl. What she wouldn't give to have Runa feel that way about her. If it wasn't for her work ethic, she'd be throwing her hat into the ring for Runa'
"Stupid rules." With a swift kick in the sand, she swooped up her bag and headed home.
The pink and gray of dusk slowly devoured the bright blue sky of day creating a magnificent masterpiece visible through the office's floor to ceiling windows. Most days, when Mother Nature gifted Miami Beach with such a view, Reyna would sit back, relax, and pay her respects to the blessing of another day lived—a ritual she'd picked up from Sofia. Today, however, the beauty was lost on Rey.
"Damn, this has been one busy week. Three new clients. That word of mouth is traveling like wildfire." Reyna collapsed into the soft comfort of their leather sofa and kicked her feet up onto the coffee table with great effort. Day two post-workout was always a bitch. But oh, what a workout it had been. The time with Runa had been amazing and her body still buzzed at the thought of the buff beauty demanding more and more of her.
"Tell me about it. Matching Duke and Alicia was like hitting the gold mine. I'm not so sure Blake's case is going to work out though." Sofia joined her on the opposite end looking every bit as tired, but also worn, heavy. She rested her head against the back.
Seemed nature's show would also go unappreciated by her best friend—a rare occurrence. "Me neither," Reyna said as she studied Sofia. The disheveled dark hair and crinkled white blouse were highly unlike her meticulously neat best friend. She would open up when she was ready—hopefully, soon. "He seems nice and all, but his reasons don't seem legit. Maybe he's a stalker. Plus, he's got one of those faces you just want to punch."
Sofia laughed. "I don't think he's a stalker, just young and immature and scattered. Plus, he checked you out every chance he got, so I highly doubt he's found the love of his life."