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The Love Doctor Page 25

  Sofia rolled on her side and pushed back onto her knees. Indecision fluttered in the silence as the ocean breeze whisked away the warmth between them. A smirk took form and Sofia slowly began to remove her own shirt. "Okay then..." She stood and took steps back toward the water, her sandals left behind.

  "Sofia, what are you...?"

  Sofia tossed the shirt onto dry sand, then slowly slipped her shorts down her legs and tossed them alongside her top. In just her light blue cotton sports bra and matching boy shorts, Sofia's eyes remained locked on her as Allie, still laying in the sand, sat frozen with rapt attention. She loved the way Sofia looked at her. Even in darkness, where she could no longer see that sparkle in the sea of green, she could feel the electricity between them standing her hairs on end in the most invigorating of ways.

  "Well?" asked Sofia as she continued her backward stroll toward the water. A hint of innocence laced her question, but in truth, it dared to ask how long it would take before Allie came plowing in after her.


  Sofia yanked her bra up and over her head, then dropped it just out of reach of the waves. "Do I look like I'm joking?" Sofia answered with a laugh as she sunk into the ocean, unfazed by the shift from their heated moment into the coolness of the water.

  Barely another second passed before Allie hopped up and ran toward her, leaving a trail of clothes behind. A loud squeak erupted when her feet hit the brisk water, but she wouldn't be deterred. Despite the chilly entrance, she knew it would only be a matter of moments before her body was on fire once again. Without preamble, she draped her arms around Sofia's neck and smiled as two strong, confident hands moved right to her silk covered bottom, kneading the firm flesh underneath. She sighed and fell into the warm body keeping her afloat, bringing her legs up to wrap around Sofia's waist.

  "I like that," Sofia purred, then nipped softly at Allie's bottom lip. One hand anchored Allie securely to her while the other slipped stealthily around front, pushing the underwear aside.

  The tease began with a series of wonderfully, maddening, light caresses. But she couldn't handle that right now. "Sofia."

  "Allie," Sofia muttered, though her attention was drawn to the pair of breasts floating within reach of her mouth.

  "Please," she begged in a whisper.

  "Please what?" Sofia sucked the right nipple between her teeth, earning a hiss.

  So good! Allie nearly abandoned her plea, but the throbbing between her legs reminded her it was the delicious friction she truly craved. "You know what," she growled, her voice thick with desire, laced with impatience.

  "Mhm, but I love hearing you say it," was the mumbled response as Sofia refused to leave without the left breast receiving equal attention.

  "Take me," Allie breathed out in a whimper, grinding herself desperately against the barest of touch that Sofia allowed.

  Teasing no more, Sofia crashed their mouths together. Her tongue set out in a feverish search for Allie's and then sweet relief arrived when two fingers slipped easily inside, instantly finding the spot that brought her the most pleasure. Breath left Allie's lungs as she clung to Sofia for dear life, a simple act that had her fiancé beaming with pride.

  Their bodies rose and fell, the rhythm of Sofia's thrusts matching that of the waves, slow and gentle. The ocean sounds masked the soft whimpers and gasps as Sofia drove her closer and closer to the edge. There was nothing she wouldn't do for this woman to make her happy, to make her feel the same love she felt every day. That was her last thought before Sofia doubled her efforts. Increasing pace and depth, her palm hitting just the right spot, Sofia drove her higher and higher until Allie swore she was floating among the stars. Her body stiffened, nearly putting her fiancé into a choke hold as she rode out her orgasm.

  When Allie finally relaxed, her arms fell limp along Sofia's shoulders. Sofia kissed her cheek, slowly removed her fingers, and held her close. Sharing the same breath, Allie basked in the feeling of their heartbeats pounding in unison.

  "I can't wait to be your wife," Sofia whispered before placing a tender kiss to Allie's earlobe.

  Allie pulled back with a smile that stretched well beyond her ears. "That will make me the happiest woman to have ever walked the planet."

  There were no more words, only passionate kisses and tender caresses until the water chilled enough to chase them from their love bubble. They raced to shore, giggling like little girls that gave way to wails of laughter as they struggled to get wet skin into dry shorts. Several not-so-graceful moves later, they were covered enough to make a dash for the car, where they headed home to continue their engagement celebration.


  Never one to miss their weekly sister meet-up, today Allie had to fight her desire to stay in bed with her fiancé. She couldn't get enough of that word—fiancé. Even the thought of it brought a luminous grin to her face. Knowing she'd never hear the end of it though, was all the motivation she needed to get showered, changed, and on the road to meet Kat at their favorite breakfast diner, AJ's. It was a place they used to frequent as children and every visit brought a flood of happy memories. But today, Allie was preoccupied...and suffering from food envy. She picked at her egg white omelet with fruit on the side as she sneaked a peek at her sister's stuffed French toast.

  "You should've just ordered it, Allie, instead of drooling over mine," Kat quipped.

  "I can't. I'm spending a week with Sofia in the Keys and I want to make sure my bikini bod is in top form. Not all of us have your metabolism."

  "True, but Al, your bikini bod has never been out of form and you know it. Want a bite?"

  "Yes, but no. If I have one bite, I'll want to eat it all," she bemoaned and then propped her head in her left hand and stared at her sister. She'd never had issues about her body. Why now? Oh yeah, vanity. And this crazy idea in my head. She wanted to look her best for what she had in mind.

  "Suit yourself, but that woman loves you and won't care if you get a little extra curvy from indulging in this deliciousness." Taunting Allie with a fork full of carb-filled goodness, she whirled it around before placing it happily into her mouth.

  Knowing just what would wipe the smirk off Kat's face, Allie shot back, "Maybe, but there's a different kind of deliciousness I would rather indulge in."

  "Gross. Seriously? When I'm eating? Sheesh."

  Allie laughed and then turned solemn when she looked back at her very unexciting breakfast. The first bite wasn't bad with the fresh sautéed veggies and ham, but it just wasn't what Allie really wanted. Still, it would be worth the sacrifice for what she had planned for Sofia. A long, awkward silence fell between them as Kat stuffed her face and Allie slowly made her way through her meal as if forced by an evil stepmother.

  "Sooo..." Kat finally breached the silence. "You've been acting weird this week."

  "I have not," Allie snapped defensively. There'd been a lot going on. Trying to plan a secret wedding was exhausting for crying out loud. "I've just been busy."

  "Then why did you just get all snippy?"

  "I'm not snippy."

  "You are. And fidgety."

  A sharp clang rang out when Allie slapped her fork to her plate. She leaned forward and hissed, "What the hell, Kat?"

  "What?" The casual nature of her response showed Allie's irritation hadn't fazed her one bit. "I'm just callin' it as I see it."

  "Well, you need glasses then." Allie huffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back in the booth.

  "When's vacation start?"

  The topic change was welcomed and Allie relaxed as she answered, "Tomorrow and I can't wait. We rented a little cottage near the beach. We'll go snorkeling and hang out without any distractions." She reached for her coffee, savoring the aroma before taking a sip of steaming brew.

  "And you're going to get married."

  Allie choked and nearly spilled her cup on the table, but managed just a splatter. "Wh-what?"

  "You heard me."

Pfft, you don't know what you're talking about." Allie wiped up her mess. "What would even give you that idea?"

  "You've been different since you mentioned eloping and now, you're acting like you did when we were growing up and you tried to hide stuff from me."

  "You're killing me."

  "Am I wrong?"

  "Yes." Allie was impressed with her quick and definitive response.

  "Al." Kat leaned forward and looked her right in the eye. It was obvious she wasn't buying it one bit.

  "Ugh. No." With an eye roll Allie sulked, "You're not wrong. I hate that you can read me that well." Hopefully, Sofia hadn't learned all her tells yet.

  "When is it? Cause you know I need to be there."

  "Sofia doesn't know. It's a surprise, so we need to keep it that way. And how are we going to do that when we're supposed to be alone all week and then you show up?"

  "Let me handle that. So, give me the details."


  Vacation had finally arrived, but for Allie, they couldn't get to the house they had rented fast enough. "Is it just me or is this drive taking forever?" She didn't want to whine, but she was going to anyway. She was beyond ready to settle in for the week.

  "It's not just you, but it's only because we're anxious. And because of this never-ending two-lane highway, We're actually right on schedule, so hang in there." Sofia reached over and patted her thigh, then brought both hands back to the wheel.

  "At least it's time spent together."

  "Agreed." They smiled at one another.

  "I'm looking forward to nine days of nothingness in this beach house with you, and by nothingness, that includes clothes," Allie remarked with a sly grin and bouncing brows.

  Sofia's head fell back in a laugh. "Me too, baby, me too. Plus, no place to be and complete freedom."

  "Well, there is one place we need to be."

  "What? Where?"

  "I kept talking about those sunset cruises and stuff, so I booked us on a snorkel trip with the sunset dinner. I hope that's okay?" Allie asked, tensing and cowering against the door. She didn't want to start the trip off with a disagreement, but the boat was all part of her plan. If Sofia balked, she'd need to do some major reworking.

  "You did?"

  Allie nodded.

  "Thank you. That was sweet. What day?"

  Her muscles unraveled and she moved back to the center of the seat in relief. "Sunday. So, we have two days to chill before that."

  "Perfect. I'm looking forward to it." Sofia smiled wide, happiness oozing from every pore.

  Seeing that smile made Allie happy like crazy. "Me too."

  "I'm also looking forward to dessert at Better Than Sex again."

  Allie laughed. "It was definitely good, but honestly, nothing is better than sex with you."

  "I completely agree. I am pretty amazing."

  "Yes, you most certainly are. And you taste divine." The words had hit their mark, as evidenced by Sofia's subtle squeeze of her thighs and impossibly adorable blush.

  "Maybe we'll get the dessert to go and enjoy the best of both worlds?" Sofia cast her a wickedly teasing glance.

  That was an idea Allie could definitely get behind. "Now you're talking."


  The day of the snorkeling trip had finally arrived and Allie couldn't be more nervous. Beside the fact that Kat, with R and R in tow, were about to make a "surprise" visit to crash the party, she worried she was doing the wrong thing. Would Sofia like the idea? Would she be upset? Would she really prefer something more formal with her family there? So many questions weighed her down.

  Since they'd woken up, Allie had been quiet but cordial. With Sofia obsessing over what to bring—even though she had made several lists the day before—she hadn't seemed to notice the difference. Besides, Allie had learned that interfering with Sofia's checklists equaled a cranky fiancé, so it was best to stay out of her way.

  "You okay?" Sofia asked, watching Allie in the mirror as she removed her necklace and slid her engagement ring from her finger—shiny objects were ill advised around barracuda. She set them on the dresser and turned to face her fully.

  "I'm great." Allie's smile came easily. It was true. She was wonderful. And nervous. And scared to death. But wonderful nonetheless. "Just giving you space to do your thing."

  "And I love you for it." Sofia closed the distance and gave her a loving peck on the lips. A knock at the door froze them both in place. They stared at one another before Sofia finally asked, "You expecting anyone?"

  Allie shook her head and struggled to keep her expression neutral. "No." Her stomach twisted into a knot. She hated lying, but was it any different than springing a surprise wedding? No, she reasoned, feeling slightly better about her deceit. The last thing she wanted was to get all worked up about it and ruin the perfect day—the day she was going to marry the love of her life.

  Oblivious to Allie zoning out, Sofia set down the bottle of sunscreen and answered the door. "Kat?"

  "Shit," Allie muttered and dragged her palm down her face. You better not ruin this, Kat.

  "What are you doing here?" Sofia's surprise quickly turned to worry. "Everything okay?"

  "I know, I know. It's the week you two hang out and bang all day, but I've been dying to snorkel the reef, so when Allie said you guys were gonna do it, I figured what better time to try it than with some good friends and my sister?"

  A full-on rush of redness hit Sofia's cheeks at the reference to their extracurricular activities. "Its fine, Kat," she said, then looked past her and greeted their other two guests. "Hey R and R."

  "Hey, Sofia," Runa and Reyna responded in unison, chuckling at their nickname.

  "Come on in." She stepped back, allowing them entrance. "It sounds fun. I can't wait to see the reef. And it will be great to do it as a group, but we better get moving."

  "Okay, we'll follow you and don't worry, as soon as the trip is over, we'll give you your space," Reyna assured with a smile.

  Allie stood nervously behind Sofia and said, "It's fine. As long as you're not crashing here all week."

  "Negatory," Kat said with a twinkle in her eye. "I've got my eye on a singles-only spot I read up on and those two love birds," she waggled her finger between R and R, "are planning a hibernation of their own."

  "Sounds great," Allie said, skepticism coating her words. "No more surprise visits, okay?"

  "Al," Sofia chided.

  "What? I want some you and me time."

  "No worries," Kat dismissed the problem with ease. "Unless you run into me at one of the bars or the hotel, you are all on your own."

  "Same here," Runa was quick to add as she smiled at her girlfriend. She leaned over and placed a kiss on Reyna's cheek.

  "Well, now that that's all settled, who's ready for a day on the boat?" Sofia asked, her excitement spilling into her words.

  "Me!" Everyone answered in unison with hands raised.

  "Then, let's ride." Sofia was the first one out the door, bag in hand.

  "Here we go," Allie mumbled to herself, her chest growing tight as the reality of what she was about to do truly sank in. Kat gave her a you-got-this slap on the back.

  Breathe. She's going to love it, she told herself.

  She prayed it would be true.


  The day passed in a blur of unique, colorful fish and scary toothy barracudas. The reef had been everything any of them had imagined, and then some. They all gushed over the little things they had seen, sharing stories of clown fish, parrot fish, and coral as they set sail for the sunset portion of the cruise. All the activity had been tiring, but now was not the time to rest.

  When Sofia stepped to the rail of the boat and stared out at the setting sun, Allie saw her chance and made her approach. Allie pressed against her fiancé's back and looped her arms around her waist. She buried her nose in the crook of Sofia's neck, breathing in the heady mixture of salt and the unmistakable scent of Sofia'
s skin.

  "This is beautiful, Allie. Thanks so much," Sofia said. Her body pressed back, molding into Allie's as if it had always belonged there.

  Allie placed a gentle kiss to her neck. "No..." She maneuvered around, slipping between Sofia and the railing, then stared into those eyes she adored—eyes that matched the ocean below. "You're beautiful," Allie finished. She tore her gaze away and glanced over Sofia's shoulder. Her line of sight crossed each of their guests, then locked with Kat's in a moment of understanding.

  The boat captain silenced the engines and dropped anchor. His first mate began setting up the champagne and Allie took the opportunity to excuse herself. Her short steps turned into a hurried jog. When she reached the cabin, she took several deep breaths and balled her trembling hands into tight fists. "I can do this," she muttered, repeating it again more strongly, and then finally, a third time as she looked at herself in the mirror. "I'm going out there and I'm gonna marry that woman." Her nerves dissipated and a smile took shape at the thought, growing ever brighter as she opened the little black velvet box to reveal two simple white gold wedding bands.

  With a towel in her hand to cover the box, she rushed back out just in time to catch a breathtaking view. The sunset was quite the sight, but Sofia? She was otherworldly. Her athletic form filled out her bikini top and shorts and strands of her dark hair waved in the wind as she faced the awe-inspiring horizon. The orange-red hue cast a glow around her fiancé that would forever be etched in Allie's mind.

  A clicking sound drew her attention behind her and she turned to see her sister snapping photos of the moment. Kat lowered the camera and gave her a wink, then shooed her towards her wife-to-be. Allie mouthed a "thank you" and then gave the captain a nod. It was showtime.

  She set the box down on the table and covered it with the towel, then strode over to Sofia. Assuming the same position as before, she wrapped her arms around her from behind and smiled wide when Sofia's body once again melted into her own. "God, I love you. You know that?"