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The Love Doctor Page 24

  "That would have made me sad though. Kylar too. Sofia knows that, but still…" Molly let out a shaky breath. "Then, you came along and she told me she felt guilty for being so happy. That as right as it felt, it sometimes felt all wrong. Like she was cheating. She worried what people would say."

  "What did you tell her?"

  "That people always had something to say, especially when it was none of their business."

  Allie laughed. "True."

  "But I also told her that the people who matter most, her family, me, Rey…Kylar…we were okay with it. She deserved to be happy. She had fulfilled her marriage vows to a T and played the hand she'd been dealt. It was all right to try again, if and when it felt right. And the way she lit up talking about you, how could I not give her my blessing?"

  Now Allie was the one tearing up. She forced a full-blown cry back down and said, "Thank you. That means so much to me."

  "And it means so much to me and Sofia that you're here. You won't believe how many widows have new partners that don't even want them to mention their previous spouse. How horrible that must be. I could never do that."

  "And I would never ask that of her."

  "You're a good woman, Allie. I hope you never have to go through this."

  Neither did she, but if it were up to her, the other options would be out of the question. "I appreciate that, Molly, but all things considered, if I had my choice, Sofia would be the one who never had to suffer through it again."

  Sofia set the postcard against the stone, collected her things, and then stood. She wiped her legs and bottom clean of grass, then took slow steps toward them. "Hi, Molly."

  Molly sprung up and wrapped her into a tight embrace. Whispered words were exchanged and trails of tears were shared. Minutes later, as they pulled away, both women appeared lighter. Releasing the pain into the ether tended to have that effect.

  Allie stood as Sofia approached, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. When she was within distance, Allie pulled her in for a hug of her own, her eyes drifting shut and loving the warmth between them. She wanted nothing more than to surround Sofia in a protective cocoon for the rest of their lives together. She'd forgotten all about Molly, until a succession of sniffles broke the silence.

  "Maybe we can all do dinner sometime?" Molly asked, her expression hopeful.

  "Absolutely," Allie said.

  Sofia nodded and added, "You know you'll always be a part of my family, Molly."

  With tears forming anew, Molly looked to Allie, obviously checking that the sentiment was shared. Allie smiled and nodded. "You're always welcome."

  "Thank you, Allie." She breathed in a giant breath, her shoulders rising, then falling as she exhaled. "I should go…" She hiked her thumb over her shoulder toward Kylar's grave. "Allie, it was a wonderful pleasure to meet you. And Sofia, I'm so happy for you. For both of you." Molly's smile was genuine. She hugged Allie, then Sofia, and then took her turn as Sofia had on the soft grass in front of her daughter's stone, her bag by her side.

  Sofia hooked her arm in Allie's and led them back to the car, her gaze focused on their destination. For several steps, she said nothing. When their feet hit the concrete of the parking area, she stopped and said, "Thank you so much for coming with me today. I hope it wasn't too-"

  Allie didn't let her finish. "It wasn't." She reached out, her fingers landing beneath Sofia's chin to provide a gentle suggestion to look her in the eye. When those beautiful greens, dark with pain, but sparkling with the hope of the future met hers, Allie said, "I love you. I'm here for you. Anything. Anytime. I only want you to be happy. Always." A long pause sought understanding and when Sofia finally nodded, Allie released a smile that, for the first time in hours, was one of pure joy.

  "I love you too, Allie. And I'm glad you met Molly."

  "She was wonderful."

  "She is and she's a talker sometimes. Mostly nerves, I think."

  "It was fine. It was a very enlightening conversation."

  "Really? Anything you want to talk about?"

  "No. Just…she's lost a lot. And she's so strong. It's enviable."

  "It is. She's helped me so much. I feel like I should've been the one helping her."

  "I'm sure you have. And she loves you."

  "She does. And it sounds like she loves you too," Sofia said with a wry grin.

  "I hope so." Allie waited a beat, then asked, "How are you?"

  "I'm…" Sofia finally broke their stare and engaged with the sky instead. "Okay," she said through a heavy breath. Her eyes drifted back to Allie's with questions burning in the depths of green. "Some things get easier and some…I don't know if they ever will. You know?"

  "I do."

  "But you're helping. More than you'll ever know."

  "Good." Allie placed a soft kiss to her cheek, then pulled back. "What would you like to do now? Are you hungry? Do you want to walk? Or…?"

  "If it's all right, I think I'd just like to go home and snuggle with you. Maybe watch a movie?"

  The day had been emotionally draining for them both. "I can't think of anything better," Allie said, grinning ear to ear. And that was the truth.


  Allie could barely fathom how much deeper their connection had grown in the couple of weeks since the gravesite visit. Accepting Sofia's invitation to something so intimate, so deeply personal, seemed to have removed some unseen barrier between them and the change in Sofia was both visible and palpable. She was so much more at ease. Even her touch exuded more confidence.

  Meeting Molly had been an eye opener as well, and had helped her to better appreciate every day, every moment—especially those with the people she loved. Speaking of moments to appreciate, their first anniversary was fast approaching. After throwing around a handful of ideas, they had finally decided on a week-long trip to Key West. More than once they'd joked about running away and getting married and the repeated mention had cemented the thought in Allie's brain. She didn't care about a big wedding, but did Sofia?

  Sofia had already done a wedding. What was important to her this time? They hadn't discussed any details, because hell, they hadn't even technically gotten engaged. Still, each day only made Allie want to give Sofia that commitment even more. Whatever reservations she'd had about relationships pre-Sofia had all been torn to shreds. She wanted to be tied down. She was ready to build a life with someone. And that someone was Sofia Delacruz.

  Her only hesitation now was whether or not her girlfriend truly wanted to get remarried. She had stated plainly that she would. But had she told the truth? Or had it merely been a knee jerk response to not wanting to hurt Allie's feelings? It had felt real enough. Not even Reyna knew for sure, but she had encouraged her to try anyway. The answer would come soon enough, because Allie was bursting at the seams to marry the woman of her dreams. Still, even with a head full of happy images, nothing kept her nerves at bay. The fear and excitement of proposing combined for one hell of a bout of upset stomach.

  "What if she doesn't want to get married again?"

  "Well then..." Her sister pondered the question. "It can be a commitment ring or something. Plenty of people who aren't officially married wear rings."

  "I guess." The thought deflated Allie like a wounded air balloon, sending her hopes and dreams withering into a floppy mess. Her heart was set on marriage, but she wouldn't lose Sofia over a technicality. The important thing was that they were together. Besides, things could change. "So…maybe I should pick something more like that ring over there?" Allie pointed to the band of white gold with twelve tiny diamonds single file across the top.

  "That's nice. And it's not over the top. Sofia seems low key. Like, she has nice things and enjoys them, but they're not in your face, you know?"

  "I do. Even in the way she dresses. I mean, she's a stunner in a suit, but she always dials it down just a touch, as if she's determined to stay under the radar. She never tries to flaunt anything and it just makes her sexier."

  "I think you'd probably have a stroke if she ever went all out."

  "What a way to go," Allie replied dreamily, a giant goofy grin on her face. "I'm going to get that ring."

  "Do you know her size?"

  "Yeah. I measured one night when she was sleeping."


  "It's not."

  "Whatever. We done, then? Cause I'm hungry."

  "In a minute. I promised you lunch. Relax."

  "Fine. When are you going to ask her?"

  "I don't know. Soon probably."

  "Good. You've been all fidgety lately. I was starting to think you were on meth or something."

  "Gee, Kat. Thanks." Her sister had a true talent for saying the most ridiculous things.

  Kat shrugged and perused the cases as Allie paid for the ring. "This is the real deal then, huh?"


  "I will make an awesome maid of honor." Her face lit up like a child who'd just scored a giant ice cream cone.

  Uh oh. Allie had seen that look before. Kat's imagination was already off and running. She'd need to keep a short leash on her sister. "I don't know what we'll do. We haven't had that talk yet."

  "What? Well, there has to at least be cake and a party and me in a traffic-stopping dress."

  "Hey, what about me?" Geez!

  "I'm sure you'll look fine." Kat dismissed her with a flick of the wrist. "Besides, you're taken. I'm the one that'll be looking to hook up with a...hmm...wait, there won't be any groomsmen?" The wistful look that had accompanied her grand scheme slowly fell away.

  Allie laughed as Kat's bubble burst. "Not likely."

  "Does Sofia have a hot brother?"

  "No, but I'll ask if she has any other relatives that might work for you."

  "Cool. But seriously, there needs to be cake and a party."

  "Cake. Party. Got it."

  "Good. Now about lunch..."


  "Sofia, you ready?"

  "Yeah. One second."

  Allie nodded to herself, her foot tapping a mile a minute. She wrung her hands with nervous energy. She'd left the ring under the driver seat in her car last night for two reasons: One, she didn't want Sofia to see it. And two, she'd been afraid she'd blurt out the proposal in a terribly unromantic way. But tonight, she would pop the question in the same place they had first kissed.

  "Okay. I'm all set," Sofia said as she stepped from the bedroom. Her dazzling green eyes danced with joy when they found Allie.

  A sigh made its escape as Allie took her all in. Sofia Delacruz truly was a sight to see. The woman made casual unbelievably seductive. Light blue, knee-length shorts hung low around her hips and a tan tee flaunted Allie's favorite spot to kiss—right where her collarbone met her slender neck. A matching light blue fleece was draped over her arm for later.

  "You all right?" A knowing grin lifted the corner of Sofia's lip as she slipped into her brown flip flops.

  "Yeah. Never been better in my whole life," Allie said with a wide smile during her approach, then pulled Sofia into her arms. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world. You know that?"

  "I believe you've mentioned it a few times. Thank you, Allie. You're looking quite beautiful as well." Sofia took a step back and indulged her own turn at visual admiration.

  Allie had put great effort into picking out the right clothes. Nothing fancy really, but she wanted to grab her girlfriend's attention. The dark scoop-neck camisole that stretched tight across her breasts was already a winner judging by Sofia's open appreciation. Just for insurance, she had opted for the short shorts her girlfriend most liked on her—khaki's that "showed off her killer thighs." When Sofia kissed her with more enthusiasm than the moment called for, she gave herself a mental high-five.

  Mission accomplished.

  "Mmm." Allie licked her bottom lip when Sofia ended the kiss. "Thank you." An unstoppable smile marched on and on. It's going to be a great night. "Shall we go?"

  "Always, with you."


  Following a Caribbean style dinner by the water, Allie led Sofia down the beach hand in hand. The crescent moon and overcast sky made the night darker than usual, with only scant lighting from the distant buildings to illuminate their way.

  "You know where this is, right?" Allie asked as the gentle sound of low tide waves rolled up beside them.

  "I do believe it's where I kissed a complete stranger on the beach one night," Sofia replied with mirth.

  "Yeah, you should probably quit doing that."

  "Where's the fun in that?" Sofia nudged Allie with her shoulder. "Look at the grand adventure it led to."

  They both laughed. This is it. The ring had been burning as big a hole in her pocket as the question had been in her gut. With the exhale of a ragged breath, it was time. She stepped in front of Sofia, taking both of her hands into her own trembling ones and stared into those eyes. She knew every fleck by heart, even hidden by night, and like so many times before, Allie lost herself in them.

  The moment was fleeting as she quickly regained her focus. With poise and strength that surprisingly hid how completely terrified she was, words flowed smoothly and confidently from her as she said, "I look at you sometimes, like tonight when you came out of the bedroom, and I just think I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have found someone so beautiful and smart and kind."


  Under the safety of darkness, Sofia blushed like crazy. Allie always made her feel beautiful and loved, but the confession made her feel more like a goddess being worshiped. It was unnerving to be lavished with such affection, yet so very heartwarming to have the woman she was in love with speak such words of complete and utter adoration. Having loved and lost once before, made it all the more special. Sofia knew all too well how rare and fleeting these moments could be.

  "And most days," Allie continued, "since I met you, I just can't even believe my life is real. I'm just like that annoyingly happy person all the time and it's all because of you."

  Sofia stood speechless, but the words echoed her feelings to perfection.

  "I love you, Sofia. I'm so thankful you were on the beach that night and I want to be able to spend so many more nights, just like this, with you. In fact, I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you. Sofia Delacruz..." Allie dropped to one knee and pulled a small, black, velvet box from her pocket, drawing a gasp from Sofia. The box shook with the tremble of her hand as she revealed the diamond-banded white gold ring inside. "You already make me the happiest woman on the planet, but I would love nothing more than for you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

  Breathless and dizzy, tears of happiness stung Sofia's eyes as she struggled to catch her breath. All she could muster was a whispered "yes" and before Allie could even slip the ring on her finger, Sofia dropped to her knees in the sand, cupped Allie's face tight with both hands, and crashed their lips together. "Yes," Sofia mumbled again between kisses. Then, once more for good measure, "Yes."


  Sofia's lips sent Allie to a magical place every time—a place where all time and space stood still and there was only endless pleasure to be had. But tonight, as Sofia continually rewarded her with repeated visits to her favorite place, Allie had to reel herself back. When her body began to give way to Sofia's will, lowering toward the sand, she pulled her hand from its place along the nape of her fiancé's neck and dug it into the finely crushed shell to keep her upright. Fiancé. That has a nice ring to it. Crap! The ring. "Wait," she mumbled breathlessly against Sofia's lips.

  "Hmm? Why?" Sofia didn't miss a beat as her warm, wet mouth trailed its way down Allie's neck.

  "Mmmm. I love when you do that." Her head arched away, bowing to the spell of the delicious temptress she worshipped.

  "Then, you'll love the other things I'm going to do to you."

  A low hum followed by a chuckle vibrated against Allie's throat and she shivered with desire. "I always do."

  "Lay down," Sofia u
rged again.

  Allie's hand, planted firmly like a stake, held them in place. "Wait," she said again with more force.

  The urgency in her demand brought Sofia's movement to a halt and she looked at Allie, worry erasing all signs of joy. "What? What's wrong?"

  "Nothing." Allie smiled and shook her head. "Nothing, just..." She steadied herself and took Sofia's hand in her own. "I didn't get to do this yet." She slowly slipped the ring onto Sofia's finger, their eyes meeting in a loving gaze as it came to rest. "There," Allie said, her smile echoing the wonderful emotions spilling over in her chest. Her focus drifted down to the shiny metal band before returning to Sofia's heated gaze that blazed bright even in darkness. "Okay, carry on." She bit her lip and grinned.

  This time, she was helpless to stop as Sofia took control and lowered them to the sand. With her body deliciously trapped beneath her fiancé's, Allie tipped her head back in full surrender, sighing contently as she allowed Sofia to do as she pleased.

  Sofia's bottom lip nudged her top one, parting them softly. A warm, velvety tongue caressed her own as nimble fingers worked her camisole up and over her breasts. Suddenly, her limp, heated body turned rigid. Allie was rarely shy, but getting naked on the beach so close to civilization, even in the dark, was a bit unexpected. "There's people."

  Sofia looked left, then right, her hands never ceasing their skillful massaging of Allie's breasts. "The beach is empty." She dipped her head and kissed her way down the trail of cleavage, detouring to tease a hardening nipple, stoking the fire as she moved.

  "But they could pop up." Her body cursed her apprehension. The distress in her voice brought Sofia's magnificent ministrations to a halt, causing Allie to whimper with disappointment. But she only had herself to blame for the loss.