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The Love Doctor Page 6
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Page 6
Sofia's phone beeped. Knowing she'd get the full play by play later, she ignored the incoming message and stared at the tennis game airing overhead. Maybe it could distract her from the uncomfortable, gnawing ache in her chest and stomach—the one that made her feeble attempt at dinner churn in her stomach and her beer burn a path down her esophagus. She shifted in her seat, then took a long look at the people around her. O'Malley's was packed and everyone seemed to be enjoying their evening. Except her.
She glanced at her phone again. What if it was important? No. Watch tennis, Sofia. Rey can handle it. Who's playing anyway? Not Serena or Federer, damned her luck. It was two foreign players she'd never heard of, but the match was pretty even. At least that gave it a small chance at holding her interest.
As she choked down another long sip of her chocolate stout, her phone vibrated a second time. And a third. Sofia gave in. Her lips pulled tight as she read the words. All was going well, so were the blast of texts really necessary? Harsh, Sofia. This is our usual process. Hopefully, that was the last of it for the night. She was happy for Runa, really she was, and that their plan had worked, but it only made the crushing feeling in her chest increase to the point breathing had become difficult. She tapped the bar top, drawing the attention of the long-time manager, Smitty.
"Ready for another, Sofia?"
"Something a little stronger, I think." Despite the burn of the beer and the certainty that whiskey would only make things worse, her impulse to numb her mind won out. She could curse her decision later during her hangover. "Buffalo Trace on the rocks, please." He gave her the once over, but Sofia refused to take him up on the old "spill your guts to the bartender" routine. They may have been on a first name basis, but she still kept to superficial topics.
"One of those days, huh?" When she didn't reply, a look of sympathy accompanied, "Coming right up."
"Right there, her foot is over the line," one announcer explained as they went through a series of errors by the player currently serving.
Sofia looked on as the instant replay displayed frame after frame of miscues that might ultimately cost the set, and maybe more. However, the competitive tennis being played on television proved no match for the memory of the captivating brunette with a killer smile and a little something extra Sofia couldn't quite put her finger on—something that made her difficult to ignore and impossible to forget.
What was she wearing tonight? No doubt she would be the most beautiful woman in the room. And that smile? Oh, to have her smile at me that way. No wonder Runa has loved her so long.
Smitty set her drink down and her fingers closed around the glass. Sad eyes gave way to heavy lids as a deep breath sucked in, then released in a sigh of exhaustion. The madness needed to stop. She had to be strong. She had to push Allie out of her mind, starting with a drink.
The biggest struggle on the way down the stairs was keeping her eyes from landing on Allie. Check that. The biggest struggle was not tripping and tumbling down the stairs like a fool unaccustomed to wearing heels while trying not to look at Allie. Breathing was hard. So hard. Was it supposed to be hard? Breathing should be simple. You don't even have to think about it, yet she was—so much. Every three steps she'd grow dizzy and remind herself to take a breath. Good Lord, what was I thinking?
Before she could psychoanalyze what may be her dumbest life decision, she heard her name called in the sweet musical tone she'd been dreaming of for so many years. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and finally allowed her eyes to find the object of her affection in the crowd.
"Runa," Allie called again, leaving her conversation to rush toward the base of the stairs.
A pearly white smile full of awe and appreciation flashed, making Runa's knees go weak having it directed at her. She steadied herself on the bannister. "Allie? What are you doing here?" Runa asked in her best mock surprise, squeezing her clutch tight to hide her nerves. Her poor heart thundered like a field of thoroughbreds in the Kentucky Derby.
"Me? What on earth are you doing here? I don't believe there's a game playing," Allie said, a teasing half-smirk lifting the corner of her mouth.
"No. No, there's not." Runa laughed. An easy silence fell between them. Her breaths came easier. "A friend of mine's date bailed and she asked me. I had never been to one and it sounded like it could be fun. And look, you're here, so I was right."
"I have to be here. Need to make appearances and hob nob if I'm going to fit in with the other suits." Allie rolled her eyes and groaned, then shifted back into a wide grin. "I'm very happy you're here though. A familiar face that doesn't have a stick up their ass is a welcomed sight."
Runa beamed. "Nope, no sticks."
Allie placed her hand on Runa's arm and gushed, "You look amazing, by the way. I've never seen you in formal wear. Wow."
Runa's skin flushed under Allie's touch and the approval had her heart thumping like a basketball pre-game shoot around—loud and all over the place. She swallowed hard and dug deep to remain confident before her long-time crush. "Thank you. I will say the same for you. That burgundy is stunning on you." Again, the brilliant, toothy smile appeared, this time rendering Runa speechless.
"Thank you." Allie ran her hands down her long satin gown and surveyed the room before returning to meet Runa's eyes. "What do you say we make the boys drool?"
Not just the boys. She nodded and prayed for words to come out—words that made sense. A long breath later, her prayer was answered as one pried itself free. "Absolutely."
They moved toward the exhibit, each grabbing a flute of champagne as they passed the waiter. Feeling braver with alcohol in hand, Runa asked, "Have you seen any of the exhibit yet?"
"No. I was just about to start. Were you waiting on your friend?" Allie glanced around the room. "Or would you like to walk through now?"
"She's off mingling," Runa responded faster than needed. Hoping she hadn't given herself away, she was quick to distract by asking, "Do you know much about art?"
"Not a damned thing," Allie said with a laugh. "You?"
"Absolutely nothing, other than I know what I like when I see it." Hell, she'd liked it for years and she was definitely liking the way Allie was looking at her tonight.
"Spoken like a wise woman. I'm the same way." They shared a smile and took a sip of their champagne, eyes locking over the rim of the glass. "After you," Allie said, and with a wave of her hand, they disappeared into the gallery.
As the night came to an end, Runa revealed that her friend had left early and Allie offered a ride home in the company limo she had taken to the event. Seated side by side in the backseat, the first part of their trip had been quiet, met with light conversation and long silences—not uncomfortable, but slightly awkward. Still, the vibe was good and after several uninterrupted hours with Allie, giddiness had set in. The night had been a success. Now, with only minutes before they arrived at her apartment, she needed to segue into a sequel. The concert would definitely pique Allie's interest.
She shifted her body to face Allie. Again, air became scarce—especially in such close confines—making it difficult to breath and think at the same time. The exact words she'd been mustering hadn't quite reached her tongue yet. Instead, she stared, surely with a goofy, lovesick grin that she would kick herself for all night. Especially if she blew it.
Allie was all smiles when she turned with sparkling brown eyes to her. "I had a great time tonight. I'm so glad you were there. It would've been a long, boring night otherwise."
"I had fun too. Glad we ran into one another. Maybe we can get together again sometime?" Just ask her already. Runa tried desperately to psych herself up.
Before she could get a word out, Allie said, "Yeah? I'd like that too. Actually, if you want...umm…I was given two box tickets to the hockey game Tuesday night..." she trailed off, her eyes dipping toward the floor.
Runa fought tooth and nail to contain her exciteme
nt about the impending invite. She loved hockey, so hockey with Allie would be a dream come true.
"Anyway," Allie's brown eyes, soft and warm, made a slow rise back up to hers. "I don't understand hockey, but I remember you used to play. Maybe you'd like to go with me?"
Her heart on the verge of exploding, leapt into her throat, blocking the formation of words she so desperately wanted to get out. She forced it back down with a hard swallow and replied with more enthusiasm than intended, "Are you kidding? I'd love to!"
"Fantastic." Allie visibly relaxed. "I didn't want to turn the tickets down, but I wasn't looking forward to sitting through it with the guys. Maybe you can teach me enough to make it enjoyable?"
"Allie, by the time we're done, you'll be schooling those office stiffs. Hockey is awesome. Where else do you get to settle your arguments the old-fashioned way without going to jail?"
Allie laughed. "When you put it that way..."
There was that smile again, the one that had so far turned her into jelly and a mute. This time, however, the sight of those bright whites flashing at her, sincere and excited, had Runa's insides melting. It was all she could do to keep from lunging across the seat and kissing Allie like she had always longed to do. Mustering all her strength, she smiled wide and said, "Thank you, Allie, for the ride and the company. I look forward to Tuesday."
"Me too." Allie fell into an awkward pause, her smile fading as if pondering something of the utmost importance.
In the silence, Runa wondered, is she feeling what I'm feeling? Is it as hard for her as it is for me?
There would be no answer tonight as the smile returned and Allie said, "Goodnight, Runa."
Maybe it wasn't a kiss, but it was a start, and that was what she'd wanted. "Goodnight, Allie." She made a smooth exit, thanking the heavens for more grace than she usually possessed, especially in heels and a gown. She waved as Allie rode away. As soon as the car was out of sight, she pulled off her shoes and ran to the elevator.
The moment Runa walked through her door, she yanked out her phone. She was walking on clouds. No, higher than that…stars. She was tiptoeing across the stars and couldn't wait to share her news. Her fingers moved quickly across the screen. It worked! Going to a hockey game Tuesday night. Thank you, both of you. So much!!
Reyna roughly swirled the Cabernet Sauvignon in her stemless glass as she stared at her phone. The contents of her stomach felt every bit as volatile as the fermented red liquid being tossed about like a ship in a storm. At least Runa hadn't been present to witness her true response to the news of attaining a second date, so she didn't have to fake a smile for appearances sake.
In an act of mercy, she set the glass down, freeing the wine from her assault. With a slow, heavy breath in, then out, she returned Runa's text: Score! Meet us before then to discuss your course of action.
Will do and thanks. You two are amazing.
Reyna grumbled and rolled her neck clockwise. The little pops and cracks did wonders to relieve the tension before she typed out her reply: Happy to help. See you soon. Have a good night.
You too and thank Sofia for me.
She shot back a smiley face, then tossed her phone onto the sofa and resumed sipping her wine. Sure, she was happy for Runa and that the plan had been a success, but she couldn't help feeling sad for herself. Why can't I find someone like that? She believed whole-heartedly, like Sofia, in instant chemistry. There was no way she would've been able to harbor feelings for another woman that long without reveal or return.
But then again, sometimes people just needed their eyes opened to what was in front of them. Maybe it would all work out for their client. Not everyone had that thunderclap moment, right? Still, something deep inside told her that if Allie and Runa truly had anything like that kind of connection, there was no way they wouldn't have already been together. Even if Runa was Allie's little sister's best friend.
She ruffled the fur atop her cat's head. He purred louder and pressed into her lap. "Guess we'll find out, huh, Georgie?"
Meeting at her house for a Sunday morning breakfast, Allie and Kat worked in well-practiced harmony as they prepared their meal. Ever since Kat had started college, they'd made a habit of sitting down at least once a week for a real meal to catch up and Allie always looked forward to their quiet time together.
"So, how boring was the art show? Did you hob all the nobs you wanted?" Kat snorted at her own joke.
Allie rolled her eyes, but couldn't contain her laugh at the ridiculous innuendo. "No, you noob. There were no nobs involved in any way, shape, or form, but yes, I did mingle with the bosses. Then, I had a surprisingly enjoyable evening with Runa."
"Wait…what? Runa? My Runa?" Carefully mixing the tomato juice and vodka, she laughed and shook her head before adding the rest of the Blood Mary ingredients. "My Runa doesn't do culture."
"I know, right?" Allie stirred the pancake mix as she thought back on her evening. "But she was there. Something about someone at work, their date bailed...I don't know, but she looked unbelievable in her gown and..." She zoned out mid-sentence.
Kat waited expectantly for Allie to finish, but no further words were spoken. Her foot tapping with impatience, she asked, "And?"
"Hmm?" Allie snapped from her daze, confused about where her mind had gone.
"And what?" Her little sister narrowed her eyes like she always did when trying to get a read on the situation.
"Oh, sorry. Well, neither of us know a thing about art, but we had a great time. She's funny. We pretended to be uppity art dealers explaining the works to one another. It was completely ridiculous and hilarious. The night probably would have been agonizing otherwise."
"That's great. Runa is a good egg and of course she's fun, she's my best friend. Even though you've known her all these years, you don't really know her. Weird, huh?"
"Yeah. True." Allie frowned and drifted off again until she received a very hard, very pointy elbow to the ribs. "Ouch!"
"Stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Zoning out on me. You only do that when you're...oh boy. Oh no."
Kat faced her fully and aggressively set her hands on her hips. "Do you have a thing for Runa?"
"Wh...what?" Where did that come from?
"Do you wanna get with my bestie?" Kat pressed harder. Those eyes, so much like her own, could sure intimidate the hell out of her.
"No!" Her retort came quickly. "Kat, it's not like that." She frowned, suddenly realizing the thought had actually crossed her mind. She did see Runa in a whole new light that offered possibilities she had never considered. The sizzle of the griddle reminded her to pour on the batter, helping to ignore her sister's stern glare.
"Really," she responded and hoped it came out with more confidence than she felt. "We had a great time. She's beautiful, yes, and fun. I guess I was…I don't know…just surprised. I'd never seen her quite like that before."
"Like what?"
"Like a grown woman. She's definitely not that scrawny little girl that asked me to prom anymore."
"No, she's not. She hasn't been for a long time. But Allie, please be careful there. She used to crush on you, hard. I don't think she's ever gotten over you."
"That was a long time ago. I'm sure she's moved on." But part of her hoped the crush still lingered. Did I miss my window?
"Oblivious much?" Kat rolled her eyes.
Regardless of the past, Allie's thoughts lie in the future now. Would she really consider settling down with Runa? It was too soon to tell, but how would her sister feel about them getting together? "Well, I mean...would it be so bad if we...I don't know...dated?"
"Ugh." Kat dropped her hands and wrapped Allie into a tight hug. "I love you both and want you both to be happy." She stepped back and met Allie's eyes with her own that shined bright with honesty. "But I don't want to lose my best friend, and Allie, I know you s
aid you were ready to settle down and all, but you've been in a relationship with your job for the last couple of years. And I get it, you had goals and plowed head first into attaining them, but are you really ready to open up to more now?"
Allie's forehead scrunched as she tried to read between the lines. Deciding it was best not to be left to interpretation, she asked, "What are you saying, exactly?"
"Nothing. I just don't want her to be a fling for you and I don't want her to come second to your job. It would probably be really easy for her to fall hard for you again, or even harder, and that would be really shitty." Kat stepped back and returned to the drinks, pouring a glass for each of them.
Letting the words settle in, Allie resolved to proceed with caution. She didn't want to hurt Runa, or Kat. Besides, it may not even amount to anything and she didn't need any drama. "Okay, I get it. So then, I should probably tell you that she's going to the hockey game with me Tuesday night."
Kat's brow shot up, silently screaming her accusation.
"But," Allie threw her hands up in innocence, "I'll be careful. I promise."
"Good. And just remember your little sis when you get some of that good swag like concerts and celebs." She handed over a glass and they touched them together in their usual Sunday brunch salute.
"Oh, believe me, I know. I also know you can't stand hockey, even though the allure of expensive liquor and all you can eat fancy foods would be tempting." Allie smiled, thankful that the heaviness had evaporated, and then took a long, slow sip. "Damn, you get better and better at making these, Kat. Bravo."
"Thank you." She did a little curtsy and smiled wide. "And you do know me well. Runa loves hockey though. Like, crazy loves it. She used to play, you know?"
"Yeah, I remember. Maybe she can help me understand it."
"I don't know why anyone would want to, but sure, you two have fun. We should meet up after somewhere."
"Sounds good. I'll text you before it's over."