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The Love Doctor Page 3
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Page 3
A huge piece of her was still gone. Nothing had changed. Loneliness and pain set in—something she had long since overcome. Or so she'd believed. She despised feeling so weak. So helpless. So incomplete. Her body shuddered as a ragged breath escaped. Closing her eyes and taking slow, deep breaths, she fought to relax, but one question kept repeating in her mind: will I ever feel whole again?
Behind the privacy of dark glass that formed her cubicle, Sofia sat in her over-sized chair and stared out at the ocean. The leather hugged her body, creating a familiar cocoon as she rehashed the weirdness of the last twenty-four hours over and over. Her reaction at the bar had been unusual enough, but her extremely vivid dream had really set her on edge. What the hell is wrong with me?
Yesterday had started like any other and for all intents and purposes, was completely normal. Until she had laid eyes on the woman at the bar. Since then, her life had fallen into a downward spiral. Maybe today I can get back on track.
"Sofia, are you sure you're okay? You've been acting really spooked since last night." Reyna set a fresh cup of coffee on the table, but remained hovering alongside with a concerned stare.
"I'm not spooked." Sofia spun and clasped her hands around the steamy mug. The warmth brought her comfort as she mulled over the accusation. It was true, of course, but she would never admit it. "I'm fine."
"Bullshit." Reyna leaned over, trapping Sofia from escape with a hand on each arm of the chair.
Sofia refused to meet the searching brown eyes prodding her for honesty. She wished she had an answer, but further investigation would have to wait. They had a client she needed to focus on today. "Rey, can we just drop it?"
"That's not going to help you. I'm here for you. Don't shut me out. You know that only ends badly. Besides, you work better with a clear head."
Giving in, she met Reyna's intense stare with a huff. Her fingers sifted through the long bangs of her cropped hair. Reyna could be relentless, but it was only ever with good intentions. Maybe her best friend could help her figure things out. A heavy breath was released as an internal debate waged in the silence.
Tired of the back and forth, her mouth decided for her blurting out, "The other night, I was reminded of Kylar in a way that hasn't happened in years and it caught me off guard." She took in a breath and looked away to regroup. Second and third thoughts ravaged her conscience. She didn't really want to talk about it, at least, not now. With pendant in hand, Sofia settled her focus out the window to the ocean. "But…I'm okay now. Just a bit tired," she fibbed, releasing the air from her lungs.
Reyna moved to find her eyes again. Once met, her gaze lingered as if searching Sofia's soul. Content with the answer, Reyna let it rest. "I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do. Thank you for telling me." She pulled Sofia in for a consoling hug. "You know I love you, right?"
"I know." Sofia smiled as she breathed in Reyna's familiar, sweet, floral scent of Calvin Klein's Euphoria. "And thank you for always being there for me." She strengthened her hold, emphasizing the truth of her words.
"Do you want to talk about what you're feeling?"
"No. Not right now. I'm still processing."
"All right." Reyna released her and pushed off of the chair, vacating Sofia's personal space. "When you're ready, we can do a girl's night with all the goodies. Wine, chocolate, sappy movies…the works."
"Thanks, Rey."
"What are best friends for? Now," she started toward the door, "how about you distract yourself with work while I go get us a couple of slices of chocolate cake from your favorite bakery?"
Sofia laughed. "But it's only nine in the morning."
"Pfft. Like there's ever a bad time for chocolate cake," Reyna stated. With purse in hand, she turned back to Sofia in wait of an answer.
The wait was brief. They were talking cake, after all. "True. Buy the whole damn thing."
"That's the spirit." Reyna celebrated her victory with a pearly white grin. "Be back in twenty."
Sofia allowed a small smile to break free. Reyna was right. Talking was good. So was chocolate cake. Time to focus on helping their next client.
"What time is our appointment?" Sofia asked without glancing away from her laptop. As was habit before any new client meeting, she researched possible social events for the coming week. All she needed now was some insight into the psyche of the new target.
While she hated referring to the love interests as "targets," it did maintain boundaries. Helping two people find love required a big investment, but it was important not to get too close. Level heads never prevailed when things got personal and whatever was going on with her needed to be put on the back burner. It had to be all about the client.
Sofia took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders, releasing the built-up tension. Operas, art galleries, concerts, sporting events, plays, festivals...the area had so much to offer. What would be the ice breaker? Only time would tell.
"Anytime now, so you may want to wipe that chocolate icing from the corner of your mouth and put what's left of that cake in the fridge." Reyna laughed as Sofia quickly used her thumb to clear away the remnants of chocolatey goodness. "Her name is Runa Hendriksen."
On cue, the office door opened and a tall, leggy, blonde walked in, shutting it softly behind her. Her long hair was pulled back tight into a high pony tail and a pair of dark stylish sunglasses were perched upon her head. A Miami Sands fitted polo shirt and form-hugging athletic shorts made her look as if she'd walked right out of a sportswear catalog.
Reyna's jaw dropped. "Holy Greek goddess," she gasped in a hushed tone. "Did you hire a model and not tell me?"
"No. And I don't think she's Greek," she whispered back.
"You're missing the point."
"Nope. I definitely got it. Wow!" Sofia was just as awed by the stunning woman, but did take note of her lack of visceral response. Despite the woman's obvious great looks, she wasn't moved—unlike last night. Still, it was hard not to stare and she was grateful for the bit of privacy the design of her work space afforded them. Nothing would be more embarrassing than your client catching you ogling them. "Is that her?"
Reyna's gaze raked the woman's lean form from head to toe. "Must be, but damn, why the hell would she need help getting anyone's attention? She sure grabbed mine. Look at those arms."
"We're going to find out in a minute. And remember the rules, Rey," Sofia reminded in a soft tone.
"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes. "No fraternizing with the clients or their love interests. You know me. I just like to look."
The woman stood at the front of the office, her weight shifting side to side as she awaited a greeting. Nervous fingers crinkled the top of the large manila envelope held in her hands. Thin lips pursed as if reconsidering the whole idea.
Sofia sprang into action, striding forward with her hand outstretched. "Good afternoon…Ms. Hendriksen?"
"Hi, yes, that's me." A wide smile erased the apprehension as she accepted the greeting with a firm handshake. "And call me Runa, please. Sorry about my attire, work ran late."
"No problem, really. It's nice to meet you, Runa. I'm Sofia Delacruz and this is my business partner, Reyna Jha."
Runa's bright blue eyes were hypnotizing and Sofia fought hard to look away. Reyna, she noticed, wasn't quite as strong. But she wasn't alone. Runa's gaze seemed to linger a tad long as well. Sofia cleared her throat, breaking their trance. "Let's sit over there." She motioned toward the set of three black chairs surrounding a glass coffee table near the full-length windows.
Once everyone was seated and comfortable, Sofia led with the same question that opened every first appointment. "So, Runa, how did you hear about us?"
"Well…" A large intake of air preceded her reply. "I'm the strength coach for the Sands."
"Really? I had no idea they had a woman in that position. Fantastic. You must be very good," Reyna gushed in awe.
Pink painted Runa's cheeks
and she cast her eyes to the floor for a brief moment before sitting up with confidence. "There's only a couple of us in the majors, for now. But yeah, I'm a hard ass and the guys love it." She smiled with pride. "So, uh...yeah, anyway, I work with Duke Cash. We talk a lot during his workouts. I knew he'd been interested in Alicia, but when it came to wooing her, he couldn't get out of his own way. When I saw him walking hand in hand with her, I knew he hadn't pulled that off himself. I mean, the guy can be a sweetheart, but let's face it, they're in two completely different classes emotionally. If you could help get them together, you must be a miracle worker, and well, I could use a miracle myself."
Now it was Sofia's turn to feel the rush of heat swell in response to a compliment. "I don't know about miracles, but we do our best."
"I hope you can help me."
"So do we. Why don't you tell us your story?"
"Okay." Runa shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I've been in love with her for, oh...a good ten years now. Feels like my whole life, you know? Actually, I guess it almost is." She followed with a nervous laugh.
"Wow," Reyna and Sofia uttered in unison.
"Yeah, wow. She's Kat's…um, that's my best friend…she's Kat's sister, Allie O'Leary. I was thirteen when we first met. She's seven years older, so of course she wanted nothing to do with her little sister or her friends, although she was always nice to us. That's something about Allie that's so rare to find these days. She genuinely cares for people. I mean, one time when I was fifteen, she was picking me and Kat up from school and this annoying chick that hated me shoved me from behind and knocked me over the railing of the stairs. I broke my arm or I would've beaten her to a pulp, but Allie…"
Runa fell victim to her memory. A hint of a smile tugged the corner of her lip. She shook herself free, then continued, "Allie rushed from the car, pinned her to the wall, and told her all the things she'd do if she laid a hand on me again. She could've gotten arrested, now that I think about it, being an adult and all, but anyway...you get the point. I'm rambling. I must sound like a lovesick idiot." She dropped her eyes to the floor for the second time as she fiddled with her fingertips.
"You're not rambling," Sofia soothed and Reyna agreed. "And yes, it's very obvious that you care deeply for this woman and have for a long time. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. That's why we're here."
"Okay." Runa peered back up. Her blue eyes made contact with Reyna once again and a soft smile touched her lips.
Reyna swallowed hard. "Sofia's always right," she added in support, her voice low and soft. "Have you ever told Allie how you feel?"
"Once. When I was seventeen, I wanted to ask her to prom. Silly really. She was just out of college. Why on earth would she want to go to a high school prom? I finally told Kat after she called me out for acting so weird. It was such a relief to finally say it aloud."
"How did Kat feel?" Sofia asked. Lusting after a best friend's sibling could be tricky business.
"At first, shocked. Then, she poked a little fun. But in the end, she was supportive, even though she tried to make me see it wouldn't work. I did finally muster the courage to ask Allie. She let me down gently. Of course, it hurt anyway. Kat was there for me and after that, I pretended to drop it. Allie and I…the timing just wasn't right. I was a child and she had a life of her own she was trying to make. I did try to date. Took some guy to prom. Had a few relationships over the years. But I could never give anyone a fair shot. Not when my heart was with her."
"That's a hard way to go, loving someone from afar. You're hoping your time has finally come?" Sofia needed a solid confirmation, a real commitment if she was going to put all her energy into trying to make the match.
"Yes." There was no waver in Runa's words. Determination blazed bright in her eyes.
Reyna inquired, "Have you asked her out again?"
"No. I'm afraid. I feel like she still sees me as that little girl and not the woman I've become."
"That makes sense." Reyna nodded. "Happens all the time."
Sofia studied Runa. It was evident the predicament had taken a toll on the woman. Before they could really dive in though, she had to know one thing. "Let's talk about Allie. First, I have to ask, are you sure she's interested in women?"
She didn't want to come off as harsh, but there had been several cases where the lovesick party had no shot. Regardless of the answer, she would try her best, because after all, sexuality was fluid for many people and you just never knew who would click. With that said, it was a different strategy if she was also trying to make a connection where there had been no history of interest. Things had to progress more slowly, carefully, especially if they were already friends.
"Over the years, Allie has dated men and women, but more women."
"All right. What else can you tell us?"
Runa reached into the envelope and pulled out a photo. "There's not much I don't know about Allie." She stared at it for a moment in contemplation, then set the image face up on the table. There was Runa with two other women whose features spoke of their obvious familial relation—their cheekbones, slope of their noses, and especially, their deep brown eyes. As she studied them, recognition set in.
Sofia's heart accelerated, hitting warp speed in a single beat. The suddenness of it was almost dizzying. On the one end of the picture stood Runa. In the center, a tall, lanky girl whose short, dirty blonde hair was styled into a faux hawk. But the other end? The other end was a familiar face that made Sofia feel things she'd long believed extinct. The photo may have been a few years old and slashes of reddish highlights streaked her brown hair, but that face, that smile…unmistakable. Alluring dark eyes drew her in and held her under their spell. Even on paper, Sofia was helpless against Her pull.
This couldn't be happening.
Runa went on and on about Allie's likes and dislikes, what she did and where she hung out, but Sofia hadn't heard a thing. Runa's words faded, as did everything else in the room except the agonizingly slow journey of her client's finger across the glossy photo.
God no. Please be the faux hawk.
As the slender index finger landed beside Her face, Sofia's heart stopped with paralyzing abruptness. Her thoughts floated adrift and like an astronaut in the weightlessness of zero gravity trying to wrangle free-floating drops of water, she struggled to piece herself back together.
"That's Allie."
This has to be a joke.
Sofia braced herself on the arm of her chair. Her stomach plummeted and her chest squeezed until air was near impossible to gain. The woman who'd thoroughly captured her attention was the focus of another. Worse yet, her client, who she was going to help make the connection. But she would never betray her code of ethics, never get involved with the client or the person they desired. It had never been even remotely close to an issue. Until now. This was going to be one heck of a test. She fought for a breath, then tore her eyes away only to be met by intense inspection from her best friend. How will I ever explain this?
Fortunately, Runa was too caught up in the photo to notice the exchange and Reyna covered for Sofia's awkward silence. "I can see why you love her. She's beautiful, but also has very kind eyes." Though the words had been for Runa, Reyna's piercing stare never left Sofia, widening slightly in a get-your-shit-together gesture.
Sofia swallowed hard and struggled to regroup. "Yes, she does," she croaked out. She cleared her throat, then asked, "Would you, uh…like something to drink?" Please say yes. I really need a moment.
"Some water would be great, thanks."
Relieved to get away, Sofia darted to the fridge and grabbed a water. She leaned against the wall and pressed the cold bottle to her neck. What were the chances? What did it all mean? Why was the universe doing this to her? She took several calming breaths and then pulled herself together. Business. Focus on business.
Forcing a smile to her lips, Sofia returned with bottle in hand. Runa smiled back and thanked her for the drink, but Reyna cast her yet another suspicious
glance. She wouldn't be getting off as easily as she had this morning. Girl's night would be happening sooner than she'd like. Sofia looked away and took her seat, steeling herself from sneaking another peek at the photo. Why torture herself?
"We need to get you on even footing," Reyna said, taking lead. "Somewhere away from your usual hangouts and not with her sister. You said Allie was a financial advisor? Where does she work?"
"MacMillan Wealth Management."
Sofia's lip twitched. The heavy layer of fog hovering over her dissipated as thin rays of creative matchmaking sunshine broke through. A plan came alive in her mind. Scene by scene, it played out like a movie. Her heart roared back to life, thumping from the thrill of possibility, though this brilliant idea also delivered a heavyweight punch to her gut for reasons she couldn't understand. "I got it."
"You do?" Reyna's eyes widened in surprise.
"I do." Sofia jumped up and strode to her desk. She hurriedly rifled through its neatly organized drawers, scattering pens and paper to the ground without care. When her search finally met its reward, she triumphantly held up a pair of tickets with a victorious smile.
"What are those for?" Runa asked.
"Saturday night." Ignoring her mess—a rarity for her, but she couldn't afford the distraction—Sofia made her way back to the others. "Her company is sponsoring a gallery opening at the Finebaum museum," she explained. "I'd bet everything Allie will be there. You mentioned she was trying to make a name for herself. It's the perfect place for you to 'run into her' dressed to the hilt, looking very adult-like, and distract her from the boredom of a night of schmoozing."
"Why do you have tickets?" Reyna asked.
"I love the Finebaum. I'm a lifetime member."
Reyna flopped back in her chair. A flabbergasted expression fell upon her face as she tossed her hands palms up and asked, "How on earth do I not know this?"