The Love Doctor Read online

Page 21

  Allie leaned back with a sigh. Eating crabs was exhausting, but fun. Manny scanned her plate and nodded his approval, while Gina and Sofia looked on, all smiles.

  "Well, Allie, looks like you passed the Manny Delacruz crab eating exam." Sofia snickered and nudged her mom. She pulled her plastic bib from her neck and grinned as she took one last look at "Doctor Love" scrawled across it in Allie's handwriting.

  Gina nodded her agreement. "She sure did and I think she may have even beaten him at his own game. I don't see a single piece of meat left."

  "Hey you two, this is important stuff, you know," Manny stated matter-of-factly. "If Allie is going to be a part of this family..." He let the words hang as his eyes drifted from Allie to Sofia and then back again.

  Allie's body stiffened, but her heart skipped to another rhythm at the idea of crab dinners becoming a regular event—of being a part of Sofia's family. When a smiling Sofia placed a hand on her knee under the table, Allie's lips curved up into an easy grin and she relaxed. Yeah, she could definitely see a life with Sofia, and now it was clearer than ever.


  "I'll see you at the beach house at seven?" Sofia fiddled with the towel underneath her as she lay on the sand. She had a question for Allie burning a hole through her and while she was pretty sure the answer would be yes, she worried it might be too soon. In the last six months, their relationship had grown immensely. Dinners with her parents had become regular and they had made plans for the holidays. Things were moving at a rapid pace, a miracle considering her resistance to even going on a date the last several years. But when you find the right one…

  "Absolutely. Should I bring dinner?"

  The sound of Allie's voice made everything better. Sofia relaxed and smiled up at the blue sky. "Sure. We can grill out tomorrow."

  "Great. I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with you there."

  "Me too. It's so beautiful staying at the beach."

  "It is, but not as beautiful as you."

  "You're always so smooth." Allie's laugh carried through the phone, making Sofia's heart beat with a little more fervor and that question burn just a little hotter.

  "I love you, Sofia."

  "Love you too, Allie." She hung up the phone, her pulse thrumming a million miles a minute. Sofia had never pictured herself living with another woman after Kylar, but then again, she never thought she would find love again, either. Allie had changed all of that and now, she couldn't imagine life without her. She wasn't sure when she would ask, but it had to be this weekend or she would combust like an alkali metal in water.


  Sofia rolled over in bed with a smile, loving the feel of Allie's arm draped over her. She ran her fingers through long, ruffled, dark hair and then trailed down soft skin to the curve of Allie's shoulder, noting the increasing muscle underneath from their frequent paddle boarding sessions. The warmth and love that emanated from Allie's hold as they laid tucked away from the rest of the world was her favorite way to wake up. Allie gripped her tighter. A lazy grin gave away any pretense of slumber. Sofia mumbled a sleepy good morning and pressed a kiss to Allie's lips before snuggling in closer.

  Eyes still closed, Allie replied, "Good morning to you." Her voice was low and gravely. "I love waking up like this."


  "And I love the vibe of this place." She positioned her head to rest under Sofia's chin. "I feel so much more alive with the salty air."

  "Yeah?" Sofia's eyes opened wider. Here's my chance. She looped a tendril of Allie's hair around her finger and chewed her bottom lip. "Would you like to wake up with me here like this every day?"

  "Definitely. Maybe one day we could get a place like this."

  "What if we could get one now?" Her heart pounded against her chest. Was it in fear? Excitement? A bit of both flowed through her veins, breaking her body free from any lingering sleepiness. Funny how such differing emotions could have the same effect.

  "What do you mean?" Allie asked, rubbing her eyes with her free hand.

  "I mean, what if we could live here?"

  Allie pulled back and tipped her head up. Her dark brows knitted together. "Yeah, but..." The early morning questions were proving too much for her sleepy brain.

  "Ricky offered me a lease," Sofia quickly rambled. "And a chance to buy it later if I want."

  "Really? That's amazing. You should do it." Allie squeezed her tighter and snuggled back in under Sofia's chin.

  "I might, but…" Allie's breath danced across her chest. Yes, she could definitely get used to waking up like this every day. In fact, she wanted it more than she'd wanted anything in a really long time. "I was wondering if you would like to join"

  "Really?" Allie pulled away again, her eyes wide and brows arched high. All signs of sleep dashed, except for the crease along the side of her face from the pillow. "You're serious?"

  Allie's tone was hard to read and her apparent state of shock sent Sofia backpedaling. "Well, yeah…but, only if you want to...I mean, no pressure..." Oh God! She could very well pass out. I just messed everything up, didn't I?

  "Yes!" Allie ceased all doubts with an enthusiastic kiss. She rolled atop Sofia, her body slipping between Sofia's legs, fitting perfectly together. With both hands, Allie cupped her face and gazed into her eyes before kissing her slow and deep. "Yes." She kissed her again, smiling against her lips.

  Sofia's arms enveloped Allie's waist and she rolled them again to put herself on top—her smile so wide it would hurt, except that it felt so damned good. She asked again to be sure she'd heard right, "Yes?"

  Allie nodded and sealed the deal with a kiss that had Sofia's toes curling. When they fell short of breath, Allie broke apart just enough to speak, her lips ghosting Sofia's as she said, "Definitely, yes."


  Sofia tossed an empty box to the floor and then grumbled, "Was that the last one?"

  "Yeah." Allie glanced around. "I think so."

  "Thank goodness."

  With a hearty laugh, she slowly approached her exhausted girlfriend. "You know, we didn't have to unpack them all in one weekend." She draped her arms around Sofia's neck. A sly grin pulled at the corners of her mouth.

  "True. But now it's done and not hanging over our heads. You know how I like order." With a heavy breath of relief, Sofia dropped her forehead to Allie's shoulder.

  Allie allowed the moment to settle in. They were actually living together and this would be their first night in their new place. "Oh, I know very well." Joy and love lit Allie's face. "Now that it's done, I can finally do this..." With a gentle touch, she brought Sofia's mouth to hers and captured her lips in a soft, lingering kiss that had them both purring with satisfaction.

  "I like that." Sofia smiled wide and wrapped her arms tight around Allie's waist.

  After a teasing nip to Sofia's lower lip, Allie playfully grumbled, "If you hadn't been all 'no hanky-panky till we've unpacked,' we could've been doing this a whole lot sooner."

  "But now I won't be thinking about a huge mess while I do this..." Sofia's hand slid down between Allie's denim clad legs.

  "Definitely wouldn't want that." Allie backed Sofia up against the wall of the living room. "We'll start here." She placed a soft kiss to Sofia's collar bone. "Then, move to the kitchen." Her lips grazed along the warm skin of the slender neck that made her mouth water. "Then, the game room."

  As Allie made a move to taste her lips once more, Sofia pulled back with a smirk. A knowing gleam twinkled in her eyes as she said, "We don't have to christen all the rooms tonight."

  Allie's lips pursed into an adorable pout. "No, we don't have to, but-"

  Seemed Sofia didn't need to hear the rest. Her mouth claimed Allie's in a ferocious kiss as her hands cupped Allie's backside. She rocked their hips together, jump starting their personal housewarming party. "God, I love you," she whispered hotly against Allie's lips between gasps for breath.

  Full didn't beg
in to describe the feeling in Allie's chest. Her heart teetered on the verge of bursting in the most amazing way. The love she had for this woman…she had no words to describe it, but she could feel it all over and it was amazing. She broke away and pulled back enough to stare lovingly into a pair of warm green eyes quickly darkening with desire. "I love you too."

  A flash in Sofia's eyes full of seduction and mischief left Allie weak-kneed. "Let's start here," Sofia husked, accentuating her intent with another firm squeeze of Allie's ass. "And see how far we get."

  Before Allie could get a word out, Sofia had her well on her way to officially welcoming room number one. Half-naked and at the mercy of the woman kneeling at her feet, she smiled and thought, good God, I am so incredibly in love with this woman.


  A knock at the door on a lazy Sunday afternoon sent a grumbling Allie to answer as Sofia finished making their lunch. It had been a crazy couple of weeks and even though they now lived together, there had hardly been time to see one another. All she wanted was a quiet afternoon with her girlfriend. Apparently, that had been too much to ask.

  Allie peered through the window and frowned at the sight of a well-dressed, meticulously groomed, platinum blond gentleman with a bouquet of flowers and a smile. She pulled the door open and before she could say a word, the overly cheery man chimed in, "You must be Allie."

  It was a statement, not a question and Allie didn't like it. She wasn't a fan of giving out personal information to strangers. She was even less of a fan of a stranger knowing her identity. Who the hell is this guy? Her frown deepened.

  Obviously reading her irritation, the man's enthusiasm died and he spoke up once more, "I'm sorry. I'm-"

  "Ricky!" Sofia screeched and ran up behind her.

  "Sofia!" He barely had time to brace himself before she dived into his arms, leaving a dumbstruck Allie standing in the doorway.

  "What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me?" Sofia then turned to Allie with a brilliant white smile. "Allie, this is Ricky, my best friend. He owns the house."

  The light bulb went off and Allie instantly relaxed. She had heard the name and seen a yearbook photo, but had no recent face to associate it with. "Hello, Ricky. So nice to finally meet you. Sorry about the evil eye."

  "Don't give it a thought, Allie. I didn't really have the best lead in." He offered an apologetic smile. "Oh, and here." He held out the mix of seasonal red and yellow flowers. "A little housewarming gift. And yes, I know you aren't the biggest fan of flowers, Sof, but it gives the place a pop of color."

  "Thank you," Allie and Sofia replied in tandem. Allie accepted the flowers and Sofia took him by the hand.

  "Come on in. We were just about to eat. You want some lunch? I can make another sandwich," Sofia offered.

  "I don't want to put you out."

  "Nonsense, Ricky. You are never a bother."

  Ricky looked from Sofia to Allie, who nodded happily. "All right then, lunch it is. Thank you."


  Allie snorted loudly, her laughter uncontrollable as Ricky regaled the time Sofia showed up the bitchy, self-proclaimed "queen" of Coastal High School. Sofia smiled at her, the sound filling her to the brim with joy. "I really don't know what you're talking about, Ricky. I had nothing to do with that," Sofia stated, stone-faced.

  "Allie, she will deny it even on her death bed, but I saw her." He turned to Sofia. "I saw you with that bottle. Oh, and the best part…" He snickered wickedly and swiveled his head back to Allie. "The best part was how she waited like three weeks after that bitch had thrown spaghetti on her new shirt to get her back."

  "Three weeks? I would have punched her out right there," Allie said, shaking her head.

  "Right? That's what I said, but no. Sofia waited until she saw Lori and her brother having a vicious argument in the hallway, which also happened to be the day before the 'queen's' big birthday blowout, to which everyone had been invited. I don't know what you put in there, Sof, but Lori ended up having to dye her hair. Her brother said her blonde hair had a blue tinge all weekend no matter how many times she washed it."

  "Holy crap, that's awesome. What did you put in there, Sofia?"

  "Nothing. I didn't do it." She shook her head adamantly, but this time a crack in her facade came in the form of a barely perceptible half-smirk.

  Ricky and Allie looked at one another and then broke out into another fit of laughter.

  "Don't piss her off, Allie. She'll science your ass."

  "Thanks for the warning."

  "You two..." Sofia trailed off, then leaned back with her drink and took in the moment. She had her best friend and the woman she loved. She was damn lucky and she was really, truly happy.


  After two hours of eating, drinking, and exchanging reckless stories of their youth, Allie gave Sofia a quick kiss and then excused herself to indulge in some late afternoon rays, giving Sofia and Ricky some time to catch up in private. The pair looked on as Allie arranged her towel, stripped down to her bikini, pulled down her shades, and settled in.

  Ricky turned away and started putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. "She's great, Sofia."

  "Mhm. She really is." Sofia drifted into a daze as she stared at a bikini-clad Allie.

  Ricky peeked over his shoulder and said, "You are totally enthralled with her." He finished and then turned around to face her.

  "I am waayyy past enthralled," Sofia replied dreamily, uncaring how she sounded. Her eyes never wavered from her girlfriend.

  " Sofia Delacruz saying she would consider marriage again?"

  Sofia's gaze traveled slowly to her friend, but she said nothing. An uncontrollable smile grew wider at the thought.

  "I thought you said never again?" He stepped closer, as if drawn into the possibility of some grand gossip.

  "I did." She nodded. "And I really believed it for a long time, but Allie..." Her sights returned to her girlfriend. "Allie was a force of nature. She swept in, toppled every wall I'd ever built, and changed everything. She..." Sofia trailed off, again falling into a daze when Allie turned and smiled her way. "I would give Allie my hand if she wanted it, because she already has my heart, my soul. She stole it the first time I laid eyes on her and I never want her to give it back. She makes me so happy, Ricky. In ways I can't even explain."

  "You don't have to. I can see it. It's blinding and I am overjoyed." He slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his hip, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. "I never thought I'd see you look that way again."

  "It took time to come to terms with it, but it doesn't mean I love Kylar any less."

  "Of course not." He reached his free hand up and held the pendant between his fingers. He stared at it a brief second before he said, "Death doesn't end the love we have. But there's room for more." With tender care, he placed it back against her chest.

  The loving gesture was appreciated and Sofia smiled at her old friend. "I know that…now. I appreciate all of your support. You, my parents, Reyna, and even Kylar's mom have all been there for me throughout this process. I know I haven't been the easiest person to deal with…"

  "You're stubborn."

  "I know."

  "But also, so strong and so very passionate. I'm just so happy you've finally found someone to light the flame again. You deserve it. I mean, you help others find their match, so it was time the gods repaid your hard work."

  "Thank you." She kissed him on the cheek. "And thank you for offering me the house."

  "I know you've always loved it and you're pretty much family, so it's in good hands." He smiled. "And I love what you've done with it." Turning his head toward the living room, he said, "Her painting looks amazing opposite the sliding glass. The light hits it just right."

  "That was Allie's idea. She may not be able to draw, but she sure has an eye for decorating." Sofia laughed, thinking of Allie's stick figure masterpiece hanging beside the fridge with pride.

  "It feels more homey. Just remember to save me a spot in the guest room."

  "Always. Just promise me you won't have any impromptu beach parties with hordes of strangers."

  "Oh honey, I can't promise you that. Ricky has to play." He shooed her away with a laugh. "Now go see that darling woman of yours while I finish making my secret punch."

  "Oh sweetie, Long Island Iced Tea is no secret."

  Ricky's face fell. His mouth dropped open in shock. "Shush. You don't know what you're talking about."

  "Okay," Sofia winked and then strutted out the door. Her eyes locked on Allie, who made no effort to hide her appraisal as she approached.

  "Hey pretty lady, this seat taken?" Sofia purred in a sultry tone.

  "You, my dear, may have anything you want."



  "Noted." Sofia laid back in the chair alongside Allie.

  "You having fun?"

  Sofia nodded and grinned. "Yeah. I haven't seen him in almost a year. I wish he lived closer."

  "It's cool to see you around him."

  "How do you mean?"

  "It's like a step back in time. I can practically see the two of you as teenagers chatting away like crazy around a bag of gummy bears." Allie let out a laugh as Sofia rolled her eyes.

  "We never ate gummy bears. They'd be in your teeth for hours. We ate Cheetos."

  "Oh. I apologize." Allie struggled to keep a straight face. "Talk about something that stays with you for hours. Kat and I were always getting into trouble for getting into Dad's classic movie collection. We would try to deny it, but then he'd show us the cheesy fingerprints. We were slow learners."

  Ricky approached with a tray of glasses and a pitcher of his "special drink." His smile had dampened and he said, "Sorry to barge in and then run, but it seems I have to fly home sooner than expected."