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The Love Doctor Page 18

  A flush of excitement rippled through her, settling between her legs. Hell yeah, she did! But all in good time. She was sure Allie knew exactly what effect the question had had on her, but she was determined to come off as less than interested. Unfortunately, a wide smile refused to be denied even as she waved her hand with indifference and said, "Nah. If you've seen one, you've seen them all." She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside.

  "Oh-ho! Is that so?" Allie moved closer, seeming to accept some unspoken challenge. "I like to think I'm special."

  Allie stopped close enough for Sofia to feel a shudder of breath escape and dance across her skin. There would be no argument. Allie was definitely special. Sofia swallowed hard and dipped her head as she joined their hands once again. Things were progressing nicely and she knew that when they did take the next step, it would be amazing. But not tonight.

  Changing topics, she led them to the edge of the water and said, "So, tell me about this day of yours."

  Allie breathed out a hard sigh, accepting the shift in conversation. "Well, there were meetings about all the things they want us to do differently. Then, a class about how to make the changes, including some bullshit scripted sales pitch. Oh, and a pervy client stopped in to ogle me. Then, to cap it all off, I had to listen to the boss's grandson, Sanderson, and his misogynistic crap all day. For example..." Allie stood up tall, legs wide in the water and hands on hips to take up space. "Hey, O'Leary," she said, her voice deep and low to imitate her co-worker's. She slapped Sofia on the back and pointed to the ocean as she re-enacted the scene. "Check out the rack on that one. He-he." She shook her head and relaxed her posture. "Dick."

  Sofia doubled over in laughter. "Sorry you have to deal with that, but you did want to be one of the guys. Sounds like you got your wish."

  Allie shrugged. "I guess."


  "And what?"

  "What was your answer?" Sofia was curious, not that she minded what the answer had been.

  "I told him it wasn't work place appropriate."

  "Good. But was it really a nice one though?" A teasing grin formed on her lips.

  With a laugh, Allie replied, "It was, but not as nice as yours."

  "Ahh. Very smooth, O'Leary. Are you sure you're not the Love Doctor?"

  "No way. That's all you." Allie laughed again and swept Sofia up into her arms, kissing her with what felt like every ounce of passion she possessed. "Thank you for this."

  "For what?"

  Allie walked them into the water and sunk down, taking Sofia with her. The temperature may have been perfect, but nothing felt better against her skin than Allie. Yet again, the heat rushed into her cheeks. Sofia allowed herself to fall into Allie's waiting arms, feeling the freedom to just be happy and enjoy life.

  "For meeting me. Being with you makes everything better."

  Charm oozed naturally from Allie. She was laying it on thick tonight and Sofia loved it. She'd never blushed so much and she found she enjoyed the feeling. A simple word or look from the woman could fill her with so much emotion. It was astonishing and unbelievably heartwarming. She couldn't fathom how she had gotten so lucky, but she thanked the heavens for the gift.


  "I'm so glad we're doing this," Kat said as she moved down the buffet line beside Allie. "I needed some 'r and r' from R and R, if you get my drift."

  Allie laughed and stacked two strawberries on her plate. Kat frowned at her food choice, so just for spite, she added a third wearing a cheeky grin. "Did Reyna steal your best friend?"

  "Yes, but the worst part is being around them all giddy and touchy-feely. You and Sofia are bad enough with the googly eyes."

  Another laugh rumbled out. "One day you'll understand." Allie cut open a biscuit and laid it out on her plate.

  Kat rolled her eyes, then changed the subject. "So, it's been…what? Over a month now? How are things with Sofia?"

  "Great." Allie smiled wide and honest. She was beside herself with how well things were going. The old "too good to be true" saying had been banished from her vocabulary. No doubts allowed. In truth, none were needed. Not anymore. That was all in the past. "Really great, actually. It's just so easy to be with her—like we've known one another forever."

  "No more skeletons?" Kat flopped six strips of crispy bacon onto her plate and then reached for the pancakes.

  "Nope. We've had some very open conversations about our pasts. She went through a difficult time, but Kat, she's so full of life. She's funny and kind and beautiful and challenges me to try new things. Oh, and she's the best damn kisser-"

  "Ugh! I get the point. No need for any more details. You'll ruin my breakfast."

  Allie snickered as she scooped a heaping helping of gravy over her biscuit. "It's not like that. We're taking things slow and I have to say I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Dinners and walks and cuddles…" A wide, goofy grin took shape and a dreamy sigh flowed past her lips. "I never realized how intimate those things could actually be, until now."

  "So, you're saying it isn't all about sex? What a novel idea."

  "Shut up," she said, her face scrunching up. She stuck out her tongue, then nudged Kat with her elbow, earning a laugh.

  "You know I'm just giving you a hard time. I'm happy. It was a rocky start, but she seems cool."

  "She really is and I learn something new every time we're together. Sofia is full of surprises. I can't wait for our date Friday night."

  With their plates full, the pair scanned the room for an open table and moved quickly to the last free one in the corner. Just as they'd taken their seats, the waitress swooped in to drop off silverware and take their drink orders.

  Deciding where to begin, Kat analyzed the plethora of choices laid out in front of her before stabbing her fork into the stack of pancakes. "What are you two doing this week?"

  "A wine and art class at some gallery."

  "You can paint?" Kat mumbled in shock around a mouth full of food.

  "No, but I can drink," Allie replied, an amused chuckle punctuating her statement. "But it sounds fun and I'll give it a try. Maybe Sofia digs a chick that can draw amazing abstract stick figures."

  The comment drew a boisterous laugh. The couple beside them raised their brows. Kat waved them off, then said, "Yeah, and maybe you should wear a beret."

  The mocking tone did not go unnoticed, but actually, that sounded like a fun idea. "Maybe I will."

  "Poor Sofia."

  Allie reached across and gave Kat a playful slap on the shoulder.

  "Gawd, I love a buffet," Kat said, glee emanating from every pore. They exchanged smiles and then just like every visit since their teens, they put a hurtin' on their massive plates of food.


  Allie trotted down the sidewalk, opened the car door, and then slid into the passenger side, her eyes gleaming with joy. Sofia hadn't realized how much she'd missed having someone so happy to see her that it put a spring in their step. She hadn't realized so many things she'd missed, until Allie. "Hey there. I missed you," Sofia greeted, her own happiness spilling over into an ear to ear smile. She leaned across the center console to meet Allie's lips in a quick, but passionate kiss.

  Allie pulled back with eyes closed and a lazy grin as she said, "I missed you too."

  "You ready?"

  "Mhm," Allie mumbled as her lids slowly opened to reveal those stunning dark browns. They darted back to Sofia's lips before finding her eyes. "I am. I even brought a little something for the occasion."

  Lost in the moment, it took a second for Sofia to respond, but then intrigue took over. "Oh, like what?"

  Allie reached into her bag, hiding what she'd removed until she slipped a maroon beret onto her head. She positioned it at an angle, then pursed her lips together as she posed. "What do you think, Mademoiselle?"

  The French accent was dreadful, but damn if she didn't look sexy. After careful consideration, Sofia said, "Très belle." She touched her lip
s with her fingers and blew a kiss into the air.

  "French? Oh my." Allie sighed and fanned herself, grinning wildly.

  "I know a lot more words than that too," Sofia teased with a wink.

  Not to be out done, Allie leaned over and whispered low and sultry in Italian, "Si bella ti adoro."

  Her breath danced across Sofia's ear, drawing a shutter of excitement. Maybe Allie really should be the Love Doctor. Speechless and covered in goosebumps, Sofia's eyes fluttered shut. Rather than try to come up with a witty retort, of which she had none, she turned her head and captured Allie's lips with a ferocity that blew any other kiss they'd shared out of the water. Part of her wanted to blow off the wine and painting, take Allie home, and finally experience how it felt to be skin to skin. The fire of desire coursed through her veins and seared her skin as the image flashed through her mind.

  Just as soon as it had appeared, it vanished. Remembering they were in her car in Allie's parking lot, Sofia came to her senses and broke the kiss. The satisfied smile perched upon on Allie's lips with her eyes still closed and face flushed were among the most beautiful things Sofia had ever seen. If only I was talented enough to paint that picture.

  Allie's eyes slowly opened and she licked her lips. The look of pure adoration made Sofia's heart swell. Maybe it had only been six weeks, but she was so in love with this woman. In all honesty, she had been since the first time she'd seen her at Rafael's. She just wanted to take her home, wrap her in her arms, and never let her go. How on earth would she ever be able to keep her hands to herself long enough to paint?


  The pair walked hand in hand through the parking lot to Sofia's car, each with a small painting tucked under their free arm. A gentle sea breeze touched their skin as the moon peeked over the ocean's edge.

  "That was so much fun. Thank you for inviting me."

  Sofia had enjoyed their attempt at painting. It was nice to do something different, and hell, the sparkle in Allie's eyes alone made the whole night worthwhile. "Thank you for agreeing. I've been wanting to try it for a while now, but painting can be intimidating."

  "Tell me about it. There were some very talented people in there."

  "We were not among them," Sofia said with an amused laugh and a shake of her head.

  A loud snort accompanied Allie's chortle as she nodded along. "Nope, but my stick motif of the mermaid on the beach with the sexy lady sailor is so going on my wall."

  "That is destined to become a classic." Sofia tugged Allie to a halt and turned to face her. The adoring eyes and mega-watt smile sent her heart soaring. Those chocolate browns had a way of looking into the very depths of her soul. She should feel vulnerable, but with Allie, it only made their connection grow. Sofia felt safe and warm and more than anything, understood. Allie never gave off any hint of judgement, only an openness and a willingness to accept her as she was, fears and hesitancy and all.

  "It's still early. Did you want me to take you home, or go to dinner, or would you like to come back to my place? I have a movie you'll enjoy." Sofia's brows bounced, hoping to entice her girlfriend into the latter.

  "Hmm. Well, I am starving, but I'm also curious what movie you're so excited about. Can we grab some takeout?"

  "Perfect. Mr. Chow's?"

  "You read my mind." Allie leaned in and Sofia met her halfway, their lips melting into one another in a kiss that was both sweet and passionate and lasted just long enough to indulge, but not get carried away.

  Apparently, getting carried away was a common problem for the two of them, according to Kat, anyway. In her words, "As if the googly eyes weren't bad enough, the two of you are determined to suck one another's faces right off. It's just gross." Although, she'd always said it with a smile, so it couldn't possibly bother her that much. Not that it would change anything.

  Their fingers lost grip and slid free from their handholding. Sofia draped her arm around Allie's neck and pulled her in close, pressing their foreheads together, noses lightly grazing. Their eyes remained fixed on one another as Allie's free arm encircled Sofia's waist. Even in silent moments, so much was said. It was comfortable and intimate and oh, so very right.

  Their make out sessions may have been epic and totally high school, but neither had complained. Going slow was going well, but it was getting harder and harder to say no. Sofia had sensed the struggle in Allie as well. When they broke apart, Allie licked her lips, as always, basking in the moment. Sofia stood mesmerized by the sight, her libido revving at the thought of Allie's tongue doing magical things to her body.

  With a smile, Allie pulled away, seemingly knowing that one of them had to be strong enough to get them to Sofia's apartment. "Right," Sofia said with a laugh, then untangled herself from Allie's hold. "I'll call in the order."

  "Sounds good."

  "How about wontons, vegetable fried rice, and Mu Shu pork?"

  "Perfect. Oh wait, General Tsao's too."

  "Good call." Sofia dialed and placed the order before they headed for the restaurant.


  Forty-five minutes later, they walked into Sofia's apartment with two bags of food and a six pack of Dos Equis, which they set on the living room table. "Be right back," Sofia said, smiling as she whisked away to the bedroom. She returned moments later with a thick blanket and several pillows.

  Allie quirked a single brow, matching her lopsided smile as she asked, "Whatcha got there?"

  "You'll see." Sofia scooted the table aside and spread the blanket across the floor, then propped the pillows against the bottom of the sofa. She kicked off her shoes and set the food down on the blanket. She motioned for Allie to sit as she hopped up to the entertainment center. Once the DVD was set, she sat down beside Allie. "You're gonna love this." It was impossible to hide her enthusiasm.

  With a few clicks, the movie roared to life and Allie broke out into a fit of laughter as the title appeared. "You got Beach Party?"

  "Mhm. You like?" She didn't need to ask. The look on Allie's face said it all.

  "You kidding? I love!" Allie threw her arms around her and pulled her in close. "This is awesome. Thank you."

  "You're welcome." She pecked Allie on the cheek and then handed her a container of vegetable fried rice.

  For the next hour and a half, they ate, sang along, and even danced before cuddling on the blanket. It had been a wonderful evening full of their usual mix of fun and flirty. As the last scene of the movie played, Allie pulled Sofia on top of her for a kiss. The intensity quickly escalated when Sofia's hand slipped under the hem of Allie's shirt and caressed smooth, heated skin.

  Allie moaned with delight as the roaming hand slid upward and grazed the side of her breast. She arched into the touch. Her fingers slipped through Sofia's hair and settled at the nape of her neck. The move brought Sofia flush into her body. Two hearts pounded as one. Their lips parted as their kiss deepened. The room filled with gasps and moans, never breaking for a second until the TV went dark. Allie's attention was drawn to the blank screen. A frown touched the corners of her kiss swollen lips and she groaned.

  Sofia's eyes followed and she instantly understood what the disgruntled sound had meant. Her least favorite part of date night had arrived—Allie leaving. When they were together, every nerve ending jumped with joy and she never wanted to part. While she knew it was impossible to live out the rest of her days without ever leaving Allie's arms, she could have tonight.

  Her heart pleaded with her mouth to speak up and when Allie's darkened eyes met hers echoing the same sadness, the words came freely. "Stay."

  There was no reply, only Allie's lips on hers as she was rolled onto her back. Allie's body melted into her own as she drowned in a kiss that communicated how very much they had both longed to become one.


  Oscillating between flying and drowning, that's where Sofia lived as Allie continued to stoke the fire within. Allie seemed to instinctively know exactly where and how to touch her. One seco
nd her lungs were full as she screamed out in the heat of passion and the next, she was gasping, unable to utter a sound, only to lose herself in the unfathomable pleasure unleashed by the woman above her. Too much, but never enough. The sweet torture of walking the line was addicting, as were the gentle caresses that bordered on worship. It had been so long since she'd been handled with such care.

  What had started with a fury of need, had settled into something far deeper. Darkened eyes held one another. Chests rose and fell as one. Hearts thundered. Allie continued, slow and deep, smiling at even the tiniest response her touch garnered. Sofia's hips rolled to meet each thrust, one hand gripping the plush blanket beneath her, the other digging into Allie's heated, supple flesh each time her fingers curled within.

  The ease she felt with Allie should probably scare her, but no fear could be found. Sofia wanted nothing more than to gaze into the dark chocolate ocean of her lover's eyes as she came, but the overwhelming bliss surging through her body forced her hand. With her vision blurred by blinding bursts of light, Sofia's eyes rolled back, torso arched, and every muscle strung tight—her body giving into Allie's gentle but persistent coaxing as the orgasm that had lingered deep within, numbing her limbs and burning her toes, finally tore through her.

  When Sofia's breath returned and the stars cleared from her vision, her gaze fell upon the soft, adoring smile of the woman who had reminded her what it meant to feel alive. A happily exhausted smile commanded her own lips as her hand rose up to cup Allie's cheek. They say you find what you need when you least expect it and boy, did she ever.

  Allie had been hand delivered to her. Everything about Allie felt like it was meant to be. The final piece of the puzzle, as the cliché went, though she wished she had a better example of how absolutely perfect Allie fit with her. Something more like the way sodium bonded with chloride or two hydrogens joined an oxygen. Their time together was effortless and yielded amazing results—natural, easy, as if they'd always coexisted. If she dared to believe in past lives, she'd like to think that perhaps they had been together before—as Rey would say, "soul mates reconnected."