The Love Doctor Read online

Page 16

  "And thank goodness I made an appointment," Runa turned back to Rey, "or we may have never met." The lines of worry melted away.

  "Seems the fates have smiled upon us."

  "Indeed." Their eyes remained locked for a long moment before Runa snapped back to the present and said, "Now, if we're all done, ladies, maybe Reyna would like to accompany me for a pre-date date?"

  "Oh my," Reyna fawned, fanning herself in the presence of a subtle lift of Runa's brow and coy grin. "Of course. I'd love to go."

  Runa stood and offered Reyna her hand. She helped her up and then the pair waved goodbye to Sofia.

  "See you later," Reyna called over her shoulder, never tearing her eyes from Runa.

  When the door closed behind them, Sofia basked in the silence. Well, almost silence. Her thoughts and concerns carried on a boisterous conversation in her head that she wished she could shush. Rey and Runa had hit it off and Sofia was beyond excited for them. Though Rey had teased her about helping her find "the one," Sofia had never really believed her friend was ready to settle down. But doubts be damned. Their business had brought Rey someone special. Now, only time would tell if Runa was indeed her true pairing.

  The match made had been a joy to witness. The possible fallout of Allie's reaction to the news, on the other hand, may end up a heartbreaker. Sofia wouldn't be able to handle the disappointment if it ended in shambles. However, if Allie felt as strongly as she did, she would move past it, right? After all, she had been incredibly understanding, so far. Sofia could only leave everything and then some on the table to let Allie know how much she wanted her in her life.

  She turned to stare out the picture window at the darkening sky of dusk, hoping it wouldn't be a metaphor for the sun setting on her burgeoning relationship. Please don't let this last obstacle be one too many.


  Nerves rumbled under her skin causing her hands to shake and her stomach to turn. She hadn't been this nervous since the day she made her first start at goalie. With just two more floors until she reached Reyna's condo, Runa prayed she wouldn't spill the remnants of her lunch on the elevator floor. Why am I so nervous, we're already friends? An answer escaped her, but somehow this date felt crazy important and she didn't want to mess it up.


  The elevator opened and Runa froze. Deep breaths. She repeated the mantra, physically acting it out as she urged herself forward with slow steps toward Reyna's front door. She paused to ready herself, and hopefully, to get rid of the sickly expression that had mocked her in the metal reflection on the elevator ride up. Shifting the bouquet of white tulips from her right hand to her left, she patted down her black cotton V-neck and took yet another deep breath. Why did I wear jeans and sneakers? I should've dressed up more. But it's outdoors and casual. The internal debate waged on.

  Needing to release more nervous energy, she shifted the tulips back, then stared down at them as if they were some kind of hindrance. Did Reyna even like tulips? She'd chosen them because her mother loved them, so Runa had come to appreciate them as well. And white, because Reyna seemed to wear the color a lot and she looked amazing in it. But what if she hated them?

  "Shit," she muttered and looked for a trash can. There were none. Just a long, vacant hallway. Runa stared at the apartment door, lost on how to proceed. Before she could consider any other options, the click of the door handle snapped her to attention.

  "Hey." A soft smile accompanied the greeting. "I thought maybe you'd gotten lost." Though her honey brown eyes sparkled, they held a hint of distress.

  "No, um...sorry." She held out the flowers. The smile she forced surely revealed how awkward she felt in the moment. "I'm a bit nervous. But these are for you."

  Reyna set the deadbolt to prop open the door, then approached, her smile growing wider and more confident with every step. "They're beautiful. Thank you." She pressed her nose to the flowers and inhaled their scent.

  "You really like them? I mean, if you don't-"

  "I love them. And I love that they're white. Now relax." Reyna's hand captured her own and she led her through the door.

  Her heart skipped to a new beat. "I'll try." The musical laugh that fell from Reyna's lips became an instant favorite on Runa's playlist. When Reyna parted their hands and walked away, the change in energy was not to be missed and she begged for its quick return. The haze of nerves and the spell Rey had her under left little room for conscious thought, though the track of Runa's focus remained squarely on her date as she moved through the open floor plan to the kitchen.

  "Just give me a sec," Reyna said as she pulled a vase from the cabinet and filled it with water. She tended to the flowers and when they were arranged to her liking, she looked up and met Runa's gaze. "Would you like a drink?"

  "No, thank you." For the first time since Reyna had opened the door, Runa had the presence of mind to take her all in. Her long, dark hair was twisted and pinned atop her head to reveal a slender neck. A smidge of makeup made her light brown eyes pop against her olive complexion. Black skinny jeans with sandals and a thin white blouse that barely hid her white bra teased Runa's imagination with what lay underneath. Beautiful.

  An awkward pause filled the space between them until Reyna asked, "Where are you taking me?"

  Runa broke from her daydream and met the inquisitive look head on. She shoved her nerves down with a hard swallow, then said, "I thought we could picnic at Soundscape Park. The symphony is playing and I packed a basket…if that's agreeable?"

  "Sounds perfect."

  Reyna's smile left no room for doubt and Runa finally let out a breath that allowed her entire body to relax. "Great. Whenever you're ready."

  "I'm all set." Reyna radiated an infectious happy energy.

  As Reyna accepted her outstretched hand, she could feel the transfer of energy once again. Her own cells vibrated in excitement and joy with just as much fervor. Were they glowing? She'd swear they were. When the metal elevator doors came to a close, Runa's theory was confirmed. A vibrant gold tone had replaced the sickly green one that had surrounded her on the way up.

  A smile easily took hold of her lips. It's going to be a great night.


  Settled on a blanket side by side with a glass of wine each, smooth classical rhythms filled the air. Runa loved the symphony and enjoying it with Reyna by her side made it all the better. Violins, cellos, and percussions all playing one perfect chord after another in succession with such beauty was like an orgasm for one's ears. Grass beneath them, stars and palms above, hundreds of couples surrounded them, lost in their own little worlds—just like them. She chanced a glance at the woman pressed against her side and smiled at the look on her face. Reyna had also fallen victim to the beauty of the moment. The length of her stare drew Reyna's attention, accompanied by the softest smile she'd ever seen directed her way.

  "Thank you for this. It's beautiful," Reyna whispered, as if she feared her voice would break their trance.

  "You're beautiful," Runa replied with awe, her gaze locked on a pair of dazzling light brown eyes that sparkled as if they belonged in the night sky above. She sighed in disappointment when they disappeared behind closed lids. Two heartbeats later, a sharp intake of breath coated her lungs. Reyna's lips meeting hers, soft and gentle, was like tasting oxygen for the very first time. It took every bit of willpower to resist the need to greedily consume and to instead, relax and enjoy. Her body exploded with such adrenaline she'd thought she'd won the Stanley Cup. Fireworks celebrated the victory behind closed lids. The kiss was slow, tender, and over far too soon. When she opened her eyes again, a satisfied grin was perched upon the lips that had just rocked her world in the best way possible.

  "I've been wanting to do that forever." Reyna's confession bordered on shy and it was adorable. "I didn't think I'd ever get the chance."

  Runa licked her lips, savoring what remained of their first kiss and wishing she could store it away for a lifetime. The red wine, the
sea breeze, and Reyna's citrus scented perfume were all etched in memory. And the look in her eyes? That would be forever in her heart. "I'm really glad you did."

  "Me too."

  Runa set the wine glasses aside and straightened the blanket. She laid back and held out her arm, inviting Reyna in. She didn't have to wait long. Reyna settled in on her side with her head resting on Runa's shoulder and her free arm draped across Runa's belly. A tender kiss placed upon her neck teased her skin and sent the most spectacular shivers zipping up and down her spine. Runa didn't spoil it with words. The comfortable silence said more than any syllables she could string together ever would.

  Yes, the night was perfect and hopefully, the start of many more. Things really did happen for a reason.


  The closer Allie and Sofia got to the beachside festivities, the more Sofia's stomach twisted into a giant knot—one of those special, no escaping kind of knots, like the constrictor knot. She'd learned to tie those at summer camp one year. Make a turn and bring the working end back over. Continue around and behind. She ran through the process step-by-step—a needed distraction. To tighten the knot even more, add an extra riding turn…or imagine the look on Allie's face when she hears the truth.

  Allie wore one of those blinding smiles of hers, unknowingly walking with ease toward a massive bombshell. Sofia's fingers gripped a little tighter to Allie's hand, earning her an adoring look of contentment that stole her breath away. Just for that moment, her worries dissipated. Only the two of them existed. No knots. No crowd. No impending conversation.

  Then, Allie waved at Runa and reality shattered the picture-perfect moment.

  "There she is. I can't wait for you to meet her and my sister, Kat. Although she had a school thing. Maybe she'll be by later," Allie spouted, completely oblivious to Sofia's paling complexion. "I wonder who this new woman is," she continued, weaving them through the swarm of bodies. "She went on and on about her when we spoke. I'm so happy she's found someone she's head over heels for, like I have."

  Allie's smile grew even brighter and Sofia put on her best show of enthusiasm. The churn of her stomach sent acid roiling into her throat. For the first time ever, she missed her former career. She would never have had a soap opera-worthy entanglement like this in pharmaceutical development.

  When they reached the table, a flash of uncertainty shone in Runa's eyes, but quickly dissipated. "There you are. I was starting to think we'd have to drink this bucket of Corona's all by ourselves." She laughed with ease, not giving away any hint of nervousness. "Allie, I'd like you to meet Reyna."

  "Reyna, I've heard lots of great things about you. So nice to meet you," Allie said and extended her hand.

  "And I you," Reyna returned, accepting her greeting. She then turned her attention to Sofia. "Hello, Sofia."

  Allie's smile slipped away, replaced by curiosity and more as jealousy flashed in her eyes. Slipping her arm around Sofia's waist, she asked, "You know one another?"

  Reyna's eyes darted from Sofia to Allie, then back again. Getting no help, she then returned her attention to Allie and said, "We've been friends for years."

  Glancing between the two, Allie's hold relaxed. "That's cool. Small world. Runa's been my friend since high school."

  Swooping in to the rescue, Runa handed Sofia a beer and pulled out a stool. "Hi, Sofia. Here you go. Relax." She patted the top of the chair, then passed a beer to Allie and sat back down across the table.

  "Thanks." Sofia wasted no time taking several large gulps of the frosty ale as Allie scooted a stool beside her.

  Reyna copied her, slipping gracefully against Runa's side. "Isn't this great?" She surveyed the scene with a wide grin of approval. "I love Miami."

  "Me too," Sofia finally managed to speak. The beer helped her relax, even if it was only mental at this point. "I especially love all the culture."

  The other three nodded their agreement and sipped their beers as they watched people dance. It was still early, but it wouldn't be long before bodies filled every free space, moving to the rhythms of the Latin bands on tap.

  Allie pulled her phone from her pocket. After a quick glance at her screen, she slipped it away. "Kat's headed over."

  Runa swallowed hard, her eyes meeting Reyna's and then Sofia's. Sofia nodded, running her fingers through her hair to give her free hand something to do. Blissfully ignorant to the tension surrounding her, Allie sat tapping her foot to the beat and enjoying her beer.

  "Hey, uh, Allie?" Runa picked at the end of the paper napkin on the table.


  "I actually have something I want to tell you."

  The acid terrorizing Sofia's throat threatened to spill itself on the pavement.


  Allie spun to face Runa. "What's up?"

  "It's going to sound ridiculous, but just know that I was desperate."

  "Okay..." Allie's eyes bounced between Runa and Reyna, suddenly wondering if maybe her friend's date was someone of the hired variety.

  "So, you know how I had wanted a chance with you?"

  The unexpected statement knocked her sideways, leaving her head spinning like the time she got T-boned at an intersection. "Um, right…yes," she sputtered. An uncomfortable laugh fell out as she cast an awkward glance toward Sofia, who appeared unfazed. No need to push it though. "This really isn't a good time, Runa. Can't this wait?"

  "No, it can't. Sorry. You see, I was so desperate, I hired a professional to help me find a way to get you to see the real me."

  "A professional? I don't get it." Allie took a casual glance around. Were there hidden cameras somewhere? This has to be a joke.

  "So…there's, um…" Runa's eyes drifted to Sofia, then down to the table, "an agency in town that specializes in helping people like me. They gave me confidence and planned a way to woo you, so to speak. That's how I ended up at the art show."

  "Um, all right. Well, I thought we had worked through that. Was I wrong?" Had there ever been a more epically dismal beginning to a double date? Note to self: never again. "Because I have to tell you, I'm really into this beautiful woman right here." Allie rested her hand on Sofia's forearm and gave it a gentle squeeze, hoping she had salvaged their evening.

  "We're all good, Allie." Runa smiled. "I've also grown quite fond of the lady by my side." She threw Reyna a wink.

  "Good. So...?" Where exactly is this going? The pace of her heart began a steady climb. The force of its beat echoed in her ears.

  "So, Reyna and Sofia know one another, because they are the agency. They tried to help me. Only it didn't quite work out the way I'd imagined."

  Then, there was silence. No heartbeat. No crowd. No music. Allie didn't find Runa's smile amusing. She stirred uncomfortably, hurt and anger building as she took a long look at each of the women at the table. All the pieces clicked into place and she settled her stare on Sofia as she asked, "This was all some kind of a game?"

  Sofia stiffened. Her face paled and knuckles whitened from the force with which she gripped the edge of the table. Was she even breathing?

  "No," Runa answered without hesitation, drawing Allie's attention back to her. "None of this a game, Allie. Like I said, I was desperate to gain your attention and they just tried to help me. But then you found Sofia and I fell for Rey…anyway, Sofia wanted to tell you sooner, but she couldn't. Not without breaking her client privacy contract."

  Allie's gaze pivoted back toward Sofia. Second thoughts about holding eye contact caused her to hitch, but damned if she wouldn't look the woman right in the eye for this, even if it killed her. "This is your top-secret consulting job?"

  No words were spoken. The quick downcast of her eyes in shame said it all, but Sofia nodded for added confirmation.

  Allie's pulse whooshed in her ears with more force than ever. Rage had that effect on her. Her sights narrowed in on Sofia like a sniper. "So, you already knew things about me? Knew who I was? And you pretended you didn't?" Her face burned. Surely
it blazed bright red. It really had been too good to be true. I knew I couldn't be that lucky. They hardly knew one another, but it cut deep—much deeper than she could fathom and she struggled to find a breath. Air was hard to come by with a dagger in her chest.

  "Yes, but no," Sofia hurried, her voice soft and delicate. Her hand found Allie's arm in a silent pleading for understanding. "The first time I saw you was before Runa came to us, but that night at the bar, yes, I knew. That's why I disappeared."

  Allie pulled her arm away. She tried to shake off her daze, willing herself to push past the pain and listen, to make an effort to understand the whole screwed up scenario. "And at the beach?"

  "I just...I couldn't stay away anymore." The answer came out in a pained whisper. Sofia's posture withered in defeat. She turned her eyes to the ground, then back to Allie. They flickered with a glimmer of hope and she added, "Running from you the first time was so unbelievably hard. You moved something inside of me that seemed unmovable. I knew Runa had called it off and when I saw you headed toward me, my feet just wouldn't let me get away again."

  Allie looked away. Hope wasn't something she planned to nurture. "I see. Well, this evening hasn't started out at all like I had imagined. Neither has this relationship," she spat, not bothering to temper her bitterness. She shook her head and glanced between the three women. "That's quite a bit to digest. I think I need a walk." The black hole of sadness and regret swallowing those beautiful greens nearly made her cave, but she couldn't. The reveal had changed everything.

  "Allie, wait." Runa stood from her stool.

  What was left to say? Nothing she wanted to hear. Allie held up her hand. She searched Sofia's sorrowful eyes for the truth and they didn't disappoint. Sofia's feelings for her were plain as day, shimmering through unshed tears every bit as deep as her own, yet she couldn't stop herself from moving away. She needed space. It was all too much.