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The Love Doctor Page 14

  On a towel facing the house, Sofia laid out with her arms stacked behind her head and eyes closed, enjoying the last rays of the day. The light breeze tossed a few stray dark hairs across her face. A sea green bikini top and matching mid-thigh board shorts exposed a flat stomach that had Allie's breath pushing the pause button. Her gaze drifted south to a pair of toned legs that set her body aflame. Sofia's athletic form, broad shoulders, and lean lines were just right.

  Allie took advantage of the moment to savor the image of the beauty bathed in golden rays of evening sun. As much as she wanted to touch the exposed skin, to find out if it was as soft and warm as she had imagined, she was also content to just observe the gentle rise and fall of the woman's breasts with each breath. A slight hint of a smile played on Sofia's lips. Gone was the heaviness that had seemingly weighed her down before. Though Allie still wondered about the sadness that occasionally dimmed the shine in those green eyes, she could easily see herself falling for Sofia and thanked the heavens that fate had brought them together.

  "You just gonna stare or you coming to join me?" Sofia never moved, never opened her eyes, but smiled wider as the echo of Allie's laugh reached her ears.

  "Oh, I'm definitely joining, but I had to take a minute to enjoy the view." As if a thousand charging bulls could keep her away.

  Sofia pushed up on her elbows, finally opening her eyes. "You definitely did not disappoint," she said with the awestruck smile Allie had hoped for.

  Mission accomplished. She approached in her red v-bottom bikini and halter top. "I aim to please." Allie put extra sway into her hips and smiled brighter. Her confidence boomed at the sight of Sofia trying to hide the nibbling of her lip.

  "I am definitely pleased." Sofia jumped up from her towel and rushed forward to meet her. She stopped a few feet away and giddy grins met one another.

  "I can say the same," Allie said as she raked her eyes down Sofia's body again. She should pull her into her arms and kiss her stupid, but there was a lingering fear of scaring her away again. Suddenly, nerves shoved desire to the back of the line. What was the protocol for a second date? Allie was at a loss. She hadn't done the dating thing since freshman year of college. Surely times had changed and Sofia was definitely not some teenage girl.

  Sofia took her by the hand and pulled her close. Their nearly naked bodies pressed flush against one another, causing both women to gasp. Silence and awe fell between them as their eyes and arms locked.

  Allie struggled for breath as much as words. Her body thrummed at the feel of their breasts pressed deliciously against one another. "I didn't want to assume anything," she said, her voice raspy. Her palms flattened against Sofia's back. The woman's tanned skin was indeed every bit as smooth as she'd dreamed. Allie couldn't help but traverse a path up and down the lean body she'd admired from afar and smiled at the shiver her stroke had elicited.

  With one arm holding Allie tight, Sofia's free hand slid up and tenderly cupped her jaw. Allie's eyes drifted shut as soft lips brushed across her trembling ones. "I appreciate that," Sofia whispered. Her breath danced a slow tango across Allie's skin while Allie's heart erupted into an Irish jig. "But from now on, you can assume I want to kiss you."

  The sultry tone did unimaginable things to her. Allie's smile widened yet again and her lids fluttered open. The angle of the sun gave a perfect view of the light dusting of freckles upon Sofia's cheeks and those green eyes…good God, they had her under a spell. "I can do that."

  The millimeters between them closed in an instant. Their mouths met with a gentle but heated passion that burned like an inferno until the fire had sucked all air from their lungs. Allie was the first to break, but pressed her forehead to Sofia's and whispered, "I've missed you."

  "I've missed you too." Sofia allowed one more peck on her lips before she pulled away and stared into Allie's eyes. "You ready to hit the water?" She tugged on her hand, summoning Allie toward a pair of long, wide boards.

  Allie's legs carried her toward Sofia's come-hither grin without command. Still floating in a daze of lust, Allie spoke softly, "As long as I'm with you, I'm ready for anything."


  Runa approached the beach with her gear in hand, feeling more nervous than she should for a training session. Her stomach took off in a succession of somersaults when Reyna flashed that pearly white smile at her. The woman shined like a diamond in the sand in her white form-fitting Nike outfit painted on olive skin. Her long, dark hair was pulled back in a tight pony tail, exposing her neck. Those sparkling brown eyes could be seen for miles and Runa found herself unable to do anything but smile and stare as she was lured closer.

  "Hey there. So happy we're doing this again." Reyna's enthusiasm set Runa a little more at ease.

  "Me too. I've been looking forward to this."

  "Seeing me or kicking my ass?" Reyna's head fell back as she laughed.

  "Both," Runa replied softly, surprised at the forwardness of her answer.

  Reyna quieted and studied her. Seriousness replaced light-heartedness as she said, "Both for me as well." She reached for Runa's hand and gave it a small tug, unrooting her feet from their place in the sand. "Let's get started so we can go have ice cream after," she said with a laugh.

  Runa tightened her fingers around Reyna's and pulled her to a halt. Surprised, Reyna turned and faced Runa, who stood stock still and quiet as a mouse. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing. Nothing at all."

  "Ooo-kayyy...If you don't want to do this, we can do something else."

  "Have dinner with me."

  "I have clothes in the car. I can change."

  "No. That came out wrong..." Runa sputtered, all womanly confidence replaced by the shy little girl she had been years ago. "Umm, I'd like to take you out to dinner. One night. On a date. Without kicking your ass first…um, but maybe after. We'll see how it goes."

  "Runa, I-"

  "No. Sorry...I'm sorry I asked. I probably just ruined everything," Runa backtracked, wishing the words could be sucked back out of the air and struck from memory. I'm so bad at this.

  "No, shhh," Reyna soothed. "Take it easy. I just…" She took a deep breath. "I'm glad you asked. I just don't want to be a rebound girl."

  Runa's heart came to a screeching stop and she scrambled to clarify her intent. "You're not. I promise. I've thought a lot the last few days and I really like how I feel when I'm around you. I'm not trying to impress you or be someone I'm not." A soft smile crossed her lips at the confession. "Every time I've been with you, I've looked forward to seeing you again, more and more. You've left your mark on me. Deep marks. Marks I couldn't erase…not that I wanted to...I…I just…" she rambled. Shut up, Ru. But she couldn't. There was too much on her mind, too much in her heart. It needed to be let out.

  "I had tunnel vision. I was so set on the pursuit of an old childhood dream that I couldn't see the very real, very adult woman that made my skin tingle and my heart sprint. You'd pop into my mind at random times and make me smile. It was confusing at first, but now it's all so clear. I know the timing seems bad and maybe you're not really interested...I hope you are...but anyway, I think you're great and I'd really like to take you out sometime. I mean, if you're willing."

  That went downhill fast. Smooth. Real smooth.

  Runa stood before Reyna emotionally naked and vulnerable and she hated every moment of it. She hated the way it felt as her heart clung to hope that the answer would be yes. She hated being so flustered and shy, reliant upon another's acceptance. But she enjoyed the flash of excitement in Reyna's eyes when she had bared her soul and she really, really, loved the slow pull of the woman's lips into a grin and the nod that accompanied it as Reyna finally replied, "Yes."

  "Yes?" She needed to hear it twice to be certain. A misunderstanding would turn her heart to dust.

  "Yes, Runa," Reyna confirmed and just for good measure, she said it again while giving Runa's hand a squeeze to cement her acceptance in reality. "I'd love to have dinner
with you."

  "Cool." Runa smiled and shrugged her bag strap further up her shoulder like it was no big deal, even though she was amped to one million on the inside. "You know, those burpees aren't gonna do themselves," she said with a smirk that grew more mischievous as Reyna's eyes sparkled. "And then there's this bad boy." Runa held up the Plankster, her brows bouncing up and down.

  Reyna's face contorted, showing her displeasure at the ab killing workout, to which Runa only smirked again and shooed her away. She needed a minute to regroup and finish her round of mental high-fives before focusing on the workout and their upcoming date.

  "You really will be the death of me, one way or the other." Reyna smiled wickedly, then turned and took off on a warm up jog, kicking up extra sand at a laughing Runa just for spite.

  Runa didn't even try to avoid staring at the woman's taut backside as she jogged away. With Reyna's quick wit, intelligence, and lithe body, she was prepping herself for a physical and emotional challenge, but then, she loved a challenge.


  When Allie could barely balance herself on the board any longer, Sofia granted her a merciful reprieve. "I'm getting hungry. You ready to head in?"

  Having confessed to never having paddle boarded before, Allie couldn't have had any idea of the full body workout she would be receiving, but she had pushed through with a smile—even in obvious exhaustion—and Sofia enjoyed the fact she'd been game for the new challenge.

  "Oh my God, yes," Allie said between heavy breaths. Instantly, she turned her board into a wave. Her arms fell heavy at her sides as she rode to shore.

  Sofia lingered for a moment before following her in, taking full advantage of the view from behind. Allie was just...she was at a loss for words to describe all things Allie. There was a vibrancy to her and an ease between them that filled every nook and cranny of Sofia's being with sunshine. While Sofia still had questions, she had decided definitively to just go with it.

  She floated ashore, laughing at Allie who had collapsed face down atop her board on the way in. The waves continued to roll up and over her shapely thighs and full backside as she parked on the sand. The natural curves of Allie's form were certainly an eye pleaser, but there was so much more to her.

  "I don't think I can move, Sofia. You wore me out."

  Sofia's libido stirred, screaming to be unleashed and before she could stop herself, she blurted out, "I would prefer to wear you out in other ways." A flush crept up the back of Sofia's neck. Had she actually said that to a woman she hardly knew? But it was true. She could definitely think of other ways. Many, many other ways.

  Allie rolled over and flashed a grin that said she wouldn't be opposed. "Believe me when I say I look forward to that."

  That flush continued its track to her hairline, across her scalp, and then settled into her cheeks. Unable to meet Allie's seductive gaze any longer, Sofia decided it would be a great time to pick up her board and head to the house. She was dangerously close to letting actions replace words. Self-control in the presence of such a magnificent creature was scarce. "I was planning to grill burgers," she called over her shoulder. "Hope that's all right."

  When Sofia turned around, she spotted Allie struggling to her feet, her legs and arms rubbery and weak from the workout. She wrestled with the board as she attempted to reach the house. Sofia ran back to assist. Moving to the opposite side of the board, she lifted the back end and said, "Sorry I didn't warn you how much work this could be, but you did great out there. Did you have fun?"

  "I did." Allie smiled, maneuvering closer as they walked. "It would be more fun if I was in shape for it, but there was this hot chick out there rocking board shorts and abs that made it all totally worth it."

  "Really?" Sofia caught Allie's amused grin from the corner of her eye and decided to play along. "I didn't see her. I had my eye on a tiny red bikini." They shared a glance, enjoying the playfulness, then Sofia nodded toward the deck. "Come on. I'll grab you a drink and you can rest while I cook."

  Allie had tried several times to offer her assistance, but Sofia insisted she relax. She announced herself as the grill master and assured her she had it all covered. She hadn't been lying. Grilling and cooking were enjoyable, but she didn't do them nearly enough anymore. Her mother had always said food was best enjoyed with company and preparing meals for one had put a damper on her enthusiasm.

  Twenty minutes later, Sofia produced four perfectly grilled burgers stuffed with feta, sun dried tomato, and basil with a side of the homemade potato salad she had prepared earlier. Allie took one bite, then rolled her eyes in delight. "This is amazing. My sister would go nuts for this. Where did you learn to cook?"

  "My mother was a chef. I liked to help." Allie gushing over her skills filled her with a swell of pride. "Sometimes the simplest meals can be the best with just a few little adds."

  "I'll say. Thank you for this."

  "Thank you for joining me on such short notice. I know we were going to see one another Friday night..." She let the sentence hang, not wanting to sound desperate.

  "At the risk of sounding clingy, I couldn't wait to see you again. Call me anytime." A soft smile curled one corner of Allie's mouth.

  "Okay." Sofia's face lit up. Not that she had any doubts about Allie's feelings, but it was nice to know the other woman craved her presence just as much. She didn't want her lack of companionship over the last many years to push them faster than ready.

  "This house is awesome, by the way."

  "Yeah, it is. It belongs to my friend Ricky. We grew up together. He inherited it from his grandmother, but since he owns a tech firm in New York, he lets me make use of it. He comes down a few times a year for vacation."

  "Great friend to have."

  "Definitely. He's a good guy and a ton of fun."

  A comfortable silence fell between them. Sofia finished her food, wiped her mouth, and stared out at the ocean. Now was as good a time as any to deal with the topic she had avoided their last date. "So, I uh, still owe you an answer." She turned to Allie. "Umm..." Her words failed as she lost herself in dark, decadent eyes as tantalizing as the richest chocolate. "For..." Allie's gaze held hers, sparkling more with every speechless second. Sofia jumped as a warm hand caressed her arm, shocking her back to reality. "For uh, running away."

  Offering a supportive squeeze, Allie said, "I'm just glad you came back." The look in her eyes said she'd spoken from the heart.

  Sofia covered Allie's hand with her own, never breaking the gaze. "Me too. And I'm sorry I didn't want to give you an answer. I had to figure it out myself."

  "Did you?" Allie asked. The furl of her brow echoed her concern.

  "Yes." She straightened herself and collected her thoughts as Allie waited patiently. A stew of anxiety, fear, and sadness bubbled within. "Let me caution you, I don't know how this will sound and I am in no way trying to hurt your feelings, but please hear me out. I like you and this is something you need to be okay with if we're going to keep dating."

  The brief pause was met with silence. Allie stared, but offered neither protest nor support, so she continued, "And please be honest with me if it's not something you want to deal with. Okay?" She really hoped Allie would be fine, but it was best to find out now. Allie walking away would hurt, but it would only be worse if she waited. She was already a goner for the woman.

  "That uh, sounds ominous." Allie forced a laugh to lighten the mood, but it fell flat, so she cleared her throat and nodded. "But please, go on."

  "I was married once before."

  "Okay...I wasn't expecting that, but that's all right. Is that all?"

  "No. Well...yes, but no."

  Allie looked on, confusion making itself known by the blank stare and growing crease across her forehead.

  Sofia slid her arm free from Allie's touch, then stood. She needed room to move. Moving helped to clear her mind. "Kylar and I got married during post-grad. It was one of those whirlwind romances, but we just clicked, you know? And she
was beautiful and funny and kind." Sofia looked on wistfully. It wasn't until Allie shifted that Sofia took notice of her crestfallen expression. She reached down and soothed her with a gentle touch of the hand that begged her patience. "Not long after, she started feeling ill. Just little things at first—stomach pains, fatigue."

  The memory of the news still delivered a fresh punch to the gut and Sofia's words sped up, needing to get their release. "They found some cysts in her ovaries and chalked it up to that. Many women get them. But they grew fast and one night she doubled over in pain. When they finally removed them, they found a very aggressive tumor."

  "Oh, Sofia..."

  "They um…thought it was contained and since she was young, chemo should have killed it off, but..."

  "Come here." Allie stood and surrounded Sofia in the warmth and safety of her strong arms. Sofia's height advantage allowed Allie to tuck herself nicely against her chin.

  The stinging of tears struck Sofia's eyes as she choked back a sob. As wonderful as Allie's support felt, she feared accepting it fully until she had let it all out. Her arms worked their way between their bodies to cross her own chest. The little bit of distance helped, especially with the pulsing of guilt for putting Allie through all of this and for ruining their night…and maybe more. She didn't want to think about the secret she'd been keeping. This was the part that mattered most, her truth, and she couldn't stop now.

  "Within months, she was gone. I'd never hurt so bad. I was angry, so angry. And I swore I would never find another to make me feel that good again. For seven years, I hadn't. I'd pretty much shut that part of myself down. No one had even sparked my interest. Until you."

  She glanced down, nervous about what reaction she'd find, but took comfort in the warmth emanating from the glassy eyes peering up at her. "And when we kissed that night, it felt so right, but it scared me. It also hurt. It hurt a lot. I felt guilty for feeling so much for someone else and I ran."