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The Love Doctor Page 13
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Page 13
"Did you now?" Reyna raised her brows and studied her friend, who went about her business without another glance. Something was different. Reyna had taken note of the change the moment Sofia had stepped through the door.
"Mhm. Come and get them before I decide to keep them to myself." Sofia stopped her movements, tilted her head, and flashed a smirk full of mischief. Then, she opened her laptop and fell seamlessly into work mode.
Yes, something was definitely different and she was going to get to the bottom of it. "Thank you." With a push, Reyna rose from her chair, grabbed her coffee, and made her way slowly over to her old friend. She picked up the bag and smiled at the aroma permeating the paper. With quiet grace, she slid into the chair across from Sofia and ate her muffin in silence, observing her behavior.
Sofia seemed to be lost in her own little world. She was smiling—an honest smile—one Rey hadn't seen in years. And she appeared relaxed, with an ease about her in the way she remembered her friend from college, yet not quite the same. Could it be the new woman?
"You're in a good mood this morning."
"Yeah, I guess I am," Sofia answered with a cheery grin, her eyes never leaving her laptop screen.
A cocky smirk took control of Rey's lips. "You had sex. Really great sex."
Sofia stopped typing and let out a harsh breath. Her smile dimmed. "Why would you say that?"
"Because, I haven't seen you this darn chipper in years. And you brought me muffins."
"I bring you muffins sometimes and I'm not that chipper."
"You never bring muffins. I bring muffins. Sometimes you bring coffee. And okay, maybe not chipper, but you're beaming like a damned lighthouse."
The last of Sofia's cheerful expression fell away, replaced by irritation. "Stop it. I'm not. And I didn't have sex."
Reyna noticed the change, but pressed anyway. She wanted answers. "You should."
"Maybe one day I will, but I won't tell you."
"I'll be able to tell."
"Ugh." Sofia sat back and shook her head. "What's your point? Am I not allowed to be in a good mood?"
"Hell yeah, you are. I've been wishing and praying for you for years now, but today..." Reyna paused to find the right word.
"Today?" Sofia waited, a single brow raising slowly with expectation.
"Today, you look like the old you again. Like the Sofia I met in college, yet more...comfortable? That may not be the right word, but it looks good on you."
Sofia leaned forward and fell silent. Her eyes left Reyna's and returned to her laptop, fingers hoovering above keys, but not tapping them. "Thanks," she murmured. Her lip twitched, before she sat back up, once again smiling. "I feel good today. Better than I can remember."
"Is it this new woman?"
"Maybe," Sofia muttered with uncommon shyness, dipping her head.
Was she blushing? Interesting. Reyna grinned wide, enjoying her friend's discomfort, but it was for the best of reasons. "Wow. All right." She clapped her hands in excitement. "So, who is she? Do I know her?"
"Rey," Sofia's body visibly tensed and her right index finger fidgeted—forever the tell she was nervous. "Soon. I promise. I just need to process."
"Aww, come on. Really?"
"Please?" Sofia's eyes begged her to listen.
The mere mention of a reveal had shaken Sofia and as much as Reyna was dying to know more, she eased up. She had already dampened the happy mood Sofia had finally found. "You're so lucky I love you. And for the record, I can't wait to meet her. Any woman that's got you smiling like that again has got to be amazing."
"I think she is, and Rey? You were right."
"Many things, but mostly about letting go and giving it a shot. It might actually be possible for me to have more than one love in a lifetime."
Reyna smiled and moved around the desk. "You know I love being right, but that is the thing I want to be most right about." She leaned in and wrapped her arms around Sofia, who returned the hug just as strong. "Just don't leave me hanging too long," Reyna said into Sofia's ear, then placed a quick kiss to the side of her head.
"I promise." Sofia released her hold and pulled back. A broad smile stretched her face. "Who's on tap this week?"
The shift to work mode brought with it a heady excitement. The new client had her nearly skipping with joy. "Lars Olman, who has it bad for his next-door neighbor, Jenae."
"Did I mention she's a super model? Victoria Secret." Rey couldn't help grinning. It was a big deal for them.
The look on Sofia's face would best be described as shock. "Shit. Seriously?"
"Is it for real? Or just another guy wanting to live the dream?"
"Guess we'll find out. He'll be here at two." Reyna glanced at the clock.
"Fabulous," Sofia said, her tone less than enthusiastic.
"You know you love the challenge of breaking down the barriers of the rich and famous."
"It does require a certain tact, but you know it's really all about the heart. That's what makes it all worthwhile."
Reyna nodded. She hoped her own heart would also be full soon. "I do and that's why I love what we do so much."
They shared a knowing smile, then it was time to get back to business.
Monday had flown by, Tuesday passed in a flash, and before Runa knew what hit her, it was Wednesday. Burying herself in work and private clients certainly did as intended by keeping her mind occupied, but now that she had stopped and looked at the clock, a tiny flutter shook her stomach. In a few hours, she would see Reyna.
She had thought about her incessantly since Sunday. Something about the woman stripped away Runa's usual confident attitude and made her softer, made her want to bare her soul. She didn't have to try to impress her or become someone different. Best of all, she didn't have to fight to be noticed. Since their first meeting, Reyna had made her feel like the only woman in the room. Their time together had always been free and easy. What it meant in the big picture, only time would tell, but for the first time in her life, she was open to really trying for a happily ever after that didn't include Allie O'Leary.
Runa parked outside her apartment complex. A quick change and a few "torture devices," as Reyna referred to her tools of the trade, and she'd be on her way. Chuckling to herself as she exited her vehicle, she was two steps toward the elevator before a familiar face brought her to an abrupt halt. Her smile fell away. Her mind searched for words and explanations. She had neither.
Allie appeared equally as shocked to see her. "Hey, Runa. I uh, Kat said she left her tablet here, um in the living room. She really needed it and you didn't call her back. She didn't have time to get here herself. She said you'd be at work. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…" Allie stood in awkward silence looking everywhere but at her.
She fumbled with a set of keys Runa recognized as Kat's. She'd given her the keychain as a gag gift two years ago—four little margarita glasses arranged like a four-leaf clover—along with a key to her place. From late night crashes to movie marathons, Kat came over so often they were practically roommates.
"Sorry," Allie said, barely audible. "I didn't want…it's too weird, but Kat…anyway…" She turned her eyes to the ground and darted back toward her car.
"Wait," Runa blurted out. She hadn't meant to make Allie feel unwelcome, it had just been a surprise. An uncomfortable one. Plus, she kind of figured she'd only ever see her again in the presence of Kat. Unsure of the protocol for their situation, she went with her gut. "I was so busy I didn't check my phone. Come up and we'll see if we can find it."
"Sure." Allie offered a weak smile. "If you're okay with that."
"I'm fine, Allie." Sorta. Maybe. But she could survive a few minutes. "Come on. How's your week been?" She led the way to the elevators.
"Not too bad. I've gotten a few new clients and I'm proving myself."
The doors opened and they walked inside. Not missi
ng a beat, she said, "That's good. I knew you would."
"Thanks. I even did some bonding with the guys. Um, the hockey lingo helped."
"Oh yeah?" Runa perked up. A proud grin overtook her lips.
"Yup. I engaged in water cooler talk about last night's game and not to toot my own horn, but I did a kick ass job."
"Awesome." Holding up her hand for a high five, Runa took a second to gloat over her influence.
Allie met her hand with a solid five and smiled wide. "It was all thanks to you."
The doors opened and they stepped out, hanging a quick left to Runa's door. "I do what I can to spread the hockey love." She let them into her apartment and headed straight to the kitchen island. "Maybe we can go again sometime."
"That would be great," Allie said, but her tone didn't match the certainty of her words.
"Yeah." Runa sifted through the stack of magazines, but didn't find the tablet. She turned to face Allie, leaning back against the ledge. The two stood across from one another, frozen by a long, awkward pause.
"So," Allie stumbled for words, but she seemed anxious to end the silence. "You're okay, then? You know...with us?"
Am I? Standing face to face with Allie for the first time since her childhood dream had been shattered, Runa gave the question serious consideration. Her conclusion was yes, surprisingly, she was okay. She couldn't say absolutely that it didn't still sting, but she had come to terms with it. "I think so. I've had a lot of time to think since Saturday night. I had to try, you know? I'd been crazy about you for years and I thought maybe it was finally our time."
Allie swallowed hard and then glanced at her feet, giving away her discomfort. "I understand. It's okay. I mean, I'm sorry I don't feel the same way. Or…umm…you know what I mean."
"I get it, Allie," Runa said, following her words with a tired sigh. Sympathetic brown eyes rose to meet her own. "And as much as it kills me to admit it," she continued, "there was no 'BAM' moment, no matter how much I wanted there to be. But I am happy we can be better friends because of it." A sincere smile graced her lips, even though a part of her heart still weighed heavy.
"Me too." Allie met her smile and relaxed.
"Allie, can I ask you a question?"
"Do you believe in Kat's theory?"
Allie laughed out loud. "Not long ago I would have said no."
Not long ago? What did that mean? Wanting more details, Runa asked, "But now?"
"Now? Yeah, I do and it's like nothing I can describe." Allie sighed and a goofy grin took shape before realization seeped in. "Sorry. I…sorry. That was horrible given," she gestured between the two of them, "you know…"
The joy in her words stung Runa like an angry hornet, but didn't last long. "Yeah." As much as Runa hated not being the one who had put the smile there, she was happy for Allie. Actually, she was envious of both Allie and her mystery woman. "Where did you meet?" Do I really want to know? "Never mind. You don't have to answer that."
"We just shared a moment across a crowded room. As ridiculous and corny as that sounds, I knew she felt it too. And then she was gone. But then, one night I ran into her on the beach. I nearly blew it by rushing things, but our date was just unbelievable." Allie fell silent and shoved her hands into her front pants pockets. "What about you?"
With Allie speaking so reverently about another woman, one she had dated already, the last vestiges of possibility evaporated and Runa finally let go of Allie O'Leary completely. "I always believed I would find it with you." A lump lodged in her throat. She forced it down with a hard swallow. "But I actually think I've found it with someone else. I was just too preoccupied to pay attention."
Allie's glassy brown eyes zeroed in on her. "I hope you do, Runa. I mean it. I think you're great and you deserve someone special."
"Thanks, Allie. I think we both do."
Allie nodded. Another long silence fell between them, but gone was the tension. "So, um, I should get going. Kat really needs her tablet for some project, and to quote 'like hella bad.' Do people still say that?" Allie laughed.
Rummaging through the end tables beside her sofa, Runa chuckled. "I haven't heard it in a long time, but your sister is very unique."
"She really is."
"Got it." Runa held up the tablet victoriously.
"Thank you."
"No problem." Runa handed it over with an easy smile upon her lips.
Allie accepted the tablet, eyed it for a moment, then set her focus back on Runa. "I'm glad we had this talk."
"Me too and I expect to be first on the call list for hockey tickets," Runa joked, but she had seriously had a great time.
"Oh, don't worry about that. But Kat gets first dibs on concerts."
"I can live with that. Take it easy, Allie."
"You too, Runa"
Allie O'Leary walked out the door and Runa could finally say she had closed that very long, very torturous chapter of her life. The transition had happened easier than expected, but she refused to dwell on the why of it all. She didn't need to have all the answers and she didn't need to put pressure on whatever she was building with Reyna. Her body responded with approval at the mere thought of the woman she would be seeing very soon. There was something special about Reyna and that something went far beyond her looks.
A smile followed.
"Here's to new beginnings," she said to an empty room, then strode anxiously toward the next chapter of her life. Anything was possible.
As Allie sat behind the wheel of her car, her thoughts automatically shifted to Sofia. They had communicated by phone or text every day since their date, but she longed to see her again, to touch her, and dammit, to kiss her. The woman was an amazing kisser. The beat of her heart sped up at the very thought of Sofia's lips on hers.
She yanked her phone from her pocket and began to type out a text, but an incoming call interrupted her message. "Son of a-" Her cursing of the gods ceased when Sofia was identified as the source of intrusion. "Hello, beautiful." She was utterly giddy at the most welcomed interruption ever.
"You're not so bad yourself, Allie," Sofia purred in reply.
The way her name rolled off Sofia's tongue spiked her already climbing pulse like a record day of trading. A ridiculously wide smile scaled its way up her face and she couldn't fight it if she tried, not that she would. She enjoyed the blissful feelings Sofia could evoke with so little effort. "I was just thinking of you."
"Were you?"
She also enjoyed Sofia's little teases and the tone of her words had Allie picturing a matching grin on the other side of the line. "I was. In fact, I was in the middle of sending you a text to see how your day went and to ask when I might get to see you again?"
"So, I guess you haven't been staking out O'Malley's anymore or you would have seen me already."
The words bounced with humor, causing Allie to laugh out loud. "No, I have not, but if that's what it takes, I will head there now."
"I'm not there now."
"I'll wait."
"If you're free, I've got a better idea."
"I'm free and I'm listening."
"You up for some paddle boarding?"
Is that when they sit in the tiny boat? Doesn't matter. "If it means I get to see you in a bathing suit, then absolutely." Was that too forward? Stupid. Her stomach flipped, then flopped, and then flipped back again with a combination of nerves and excitement. What is this woman doing to me?
Sofia's vibrant laugh was music to Allie's ears. "I have to admit that was my hidden agenda as well."
It was Allie's turn to laugh and the twisting nerves unraveled. Never in her life had anyone felt so effortless, so right. "I promise not to disappoint." Allie glanced up into her rearview mirror and smiled at the sparkle in her eyes. A sparkle no one else had ever put there.
"It would be impossible for you to do so. I will text you the address. It's a friend of mine's house. He only lives here a few months a year, but le
ts me use it and the access to the beach."
"Sweet deal. He's not your sugar daddy, is he?" Though her tone conveyed teasing, it was a concern. They barely had a relationship going, but Allie could never share Sofia with anyone.
"God no! I have enough of my own sugar," she answered through a chuckle. "He's a childhood friend, and besides, his boy toys would get jealous."
"Fair enough." Allie breathed out in relief. "I just have to drop something off to my sister, but I will see you soon."
"Can't wait."
Sofia hung up and five seconds later, Allie's phone beeped with an incoming text. The address was nowhere near her house, but at least Kat was along the way. Allie was thankful once again that she kept a suit and flip flops in her car just in case the mood struck. Not wanting to miss another second more than she had to, she cranked up her car and sped off toward Kat, the only stop keeping her from the woman she'd been longing to see again.
Thirty-five minutes later, excitement surged through Allie's veins as she pulled into the driveway of the modest, yet modern-looking yellow and white beach house. Traffic could have been a total bitch and pushed her arrival till near dark, but it seemed luck had been on her side. There was still time to watch the sunset and with the calmness of low tide, it would be perfect on the water. More importantly though, perfect to be with Sofia.
She silenced the rumble of the engine and grabbed her bag, happy she had changed at Kat's so she could make an entrance. The plan was to leave Sofia awestruck from the moment she laid eyes on her, but she had no doubt that seeing Sofia in a suit would most likely render her the same. Stepping out of her car, she followed the directions in the text and found the back gate propped open. She made sure to shut it securely behind her, then meandered around the side between the thick landscape of sea grapes and palms. The wonderfully private home sat between two monstrous mansions. The deck featured a kidney-shaped pool, a tiki bar, and a stunning view of the beach, but it wasn't the ocean that had her buzzing.